--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> thanks for the Golden heart -that so tender and generous  
> before the world unfolded itself

I've been moving...and busy...and thus not reading
FFL very much, so I don't know what you're referring
to with the phrase "golden heart." But the mere 
mention of that phrase made me smile, because it
made me remember one of my favorite Mark Knopfler


I really love Mark Knopfler. It's a combination of
many factors for me. One is that gorgeous wraparound
voice. Another, of course, is his "touch" with the
guitar. But when it comes to his songwriting, I love
his ability to immerse himself in a story from the
past so completely that you feel he could as easily
be a sailor sitting alone at sunset on the deck of
his sailing ship far at sea, singing this for his 
sweetheart far away back in London as he is a modern 
singer-songwriter giving a concert in contemporary 
London. His songwriting cuts across the centuries, 
dissolving time, and revealing the timelessness 
that lurks beneath the surface of time. 

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