--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:

Share2 on a rainy Sunday morning almost autumnal in feeling very sweetly 
mournful this morning 

From: Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:47 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM, the Dome Badge, and Religious Practices

Share1: Could it be that your knowledge is valid within the context of your 
enlightenment but maybe not useful to Maharishi and his vision? My own 
experience was that I realized that the emotional healing was not a priority 
within the TMO. So I went elsewhere for that.

Robin2: Not exactly sure what you mean here, Share. No, if you are asking me to 
speculate on the reasons for why Maharishi, after seven years of never 
criticizing me--despite the clamour from his governors--finally uttered four 
sounds which did not indicate he approved of what I was doing there in 
Fairfield--that is a question that merits a separate post. What you are not 
taking into consideration is: *This was not a personal desire of Robin's* that 
Maharishi officially recognize my enlightenment and its immediate and profound 
application to every TM Governor--and therefore to Maharishi's very Teaching; 
no, Share, the intelligence which had created my enlightenment and which had 
control over my actions, that intelligence was pushing me into this 
confrontation and resolution with Maharishi. I had the sense, throughout those 
seven years, that Maharishi and I were performing a kind of dance of very 
subtle mental intelligence; but finally, I forced him to commit himself. And 
then there was a form of superficial peace--even though the reality remained 
the same--and my connection with Maharishi was what it had always been.

I was not seeking "emotional healing"--although I admit I don't quite see the 
connection of this comment to what I said in what I have said to you.

Share2:  Well it's ok RC but you do seem to contradict yourself in some subtle 
way.  I can't speak to a Unity experience, but I can address the internal logic 
or absence thereof.  You say it was not a personal desire.  Then you say you 
forced Maharishi to commit himself.  This sounds personal. 

Robin3:"Personal coercion is just concentrated universal coercion". My dear 
Share: Pray, tell me what act that you have ever seen performed by a human 
being was not 'personal'? Tell me one. The sense I had was that the cosmic 
intelligence that was computing my actions was inexorably driving this 
show-down with Maharishi, and the personal Robin was just a witness to this 
drama. The cosmic intelligence in me was forcing the cosmic intelligence in 
Maharishi to commit himself. "This sounds personal". Well *that* 
certainly--your comment--sounds personal. Because it *is* personal. But you 
see, Share, the intelligences behind making me enlightened--and, I would 
contend, making Maharishi enlightened--*these intelligences are very personal*. 
There is no impersonal intelligence or reality in the universe. *Everything is 
infinitely personal*--from where I see it. So, in a sense, your intuition was 
correct; the intelligences behind Maharishis Unity Consciousness were doing one 
thing, whereas the intelligences behind Robin's Unity Consciousness were doing 
another thing--*even though these were the same intelligences*!

But there is one thing we are leaving out here: The creator of all these 
intelligences, even the mischievous ones that make persons enlightened--or 
think they are enlightened. That being too (being very personal) has his 
reasons—but then, as Paul said: "Who has ever known the mind of the Lord that 
he may instruct him?" I only say, Share, that my actions vis-a-vis Maharish--at 
all times--were subject to and subjugated by my Unity Consciousness--and this 
was always experienced to be, ultimately at least, under the aegis of cosmic 
intelligence. I would say things, do things, that I would never dream of doing 
before I was enlightened--I literally had no control even over my body: if 
cosmic intelligence wanted me to stand up, I would find myself standing up. If 
I was supposed to speak, I would speak—and the words that came out of my mouth 
were not experienced to have been thought out first by myself—and how many 
times I was shocked by what I said!

Robin2: Furthermore, if that intelligence was impersonal, then Maharishi, 
indeed the whole cosmos, would have been subsumed in it including the 
clamouring governors.  
In the emotional healing comment I was expressing why my personal agenda was no 
longer compatible with the movement's.  Perhaps you were seeking some other 
kind of resolution.


Share1: St. Paul! Tho my birthday falls on his feast day, I sometimes wonder if 
he wasn't responsible for the early church becoming, well, less about Christ 
and more about rules and structures.

Robin2: Is this a discussion you really want to have, Share? I will just 
stipulate that Paul baby didn't get Christ wrong--Christ made certain of that 
by knocking him down and blinding him on the Road to Damascus. Before this he 
was standing around urging his brethren to make those stones draw blood from 
Saint Stephen's uncovered head. Admittedly he would be a somewhat strident 
poster on FFL; but he was brilliant, brave, and true--Good choice by Christ to 
forcibly recruit him to the good side. Christ destroyed his boundaries and his 
prejudices in a lightning moment; after that he was aggressive as a missionary, 
but secretly docile to his Master. I hope we both get to meet him some day, 
Share--he chose not to reincarnate by the way: He wanted the heaven thing, 
solidly inside his first-person ontology. Too bad we can't e-mail him right 
now. :-)

But I will grant you that Paul, he was pretty big on them there "rules and 
regulations--but for us fallen souls, they were, until you got to heaven, 
pretty indispensable. Who have you seen achieve anything without obeying rules 
and regulations, Share? The only rationale for ignoring rules and regulations 
is to be beyond those rules and regulations and in direct contact with Natural 
Law, with the intrinsic laws and regulations of the universe--like physics. 
Like mathematics. Like astronomy. Like architecture. Like--let me say it--love. 
Hi, Share: did you see Emily's comment today? I wonder how your philosophy will 
allow you to both take in the truth of what she has said--unless the person to 
whom it is directed chooses to address her, which he will not--and at the same 
time, preserve your ambition, which is to make everyone act in a 
life-supporting fashion. By the way I never forget Maharishi at Humboldt (I 
wasn't there by the way; I only listened to the audio tapes--all of them--over 
and over again while teaching school) talking about never "speaking ill of 
others"; how doing so "pushes that person down--indicating that anything 
negative thought, let alone spoken about someone, has an injurious effect on 
that person--while pulling oneself down as well. Fascinating and powerful 
idea--which I adopted all the way--until I got enlightened [at graduate 
school--before UC--I was thought to be "pathologically positive"!]. Then I let 
her rip--or was forced to let her rip. No rules and regulations when you're 
enlightened. None at all.

Share2:  That part about my ambition to make people act in life supporting ways 
made me laugh at first.  Then I asked if it could be true.  Oy!  Yes, when I 
feel vulnerable, as I do right now, I wish I could make or inspire certain 
people to act in certain ways.

Robin3: Nothing to say here to this, Share. I think your statement/confession: 
"Oy! Yes, when I feel vulnerable, as I do right now, I wish I could make or 
inspire certain people to act in certain ways" a perfect testimony to the 
realness of the truth of how you live out your life. This very desire--to have 
persons be more loving or generous or positive--that itself is a spontaneous 
(or I have come to regard it as so) expression of the person that God created 
to be Share Long. IMO. It just--when I read it on the page (screen)--came out 
as something intrinsic to being Share Long. So I like it and thank God he made 
you this way. :-)  


Robin2: Your philosophy, it will defeat me, Share. :-) How can someone be as 
fanatically devoted to being loving as you are--and still be making it here on 
FFL, where there is much smash-mouth football--it is a contact sport. You are 
on the field of play giving out flowers, rather than tackling and bloodying 
your knees. One thing for sure, Share, you haven't betrayed your principles 
yet--but I am still riveted watching you above those falls. There is no getting 
to the other side (of the Falls). Your walk it seems must continue. I wish you 
only good things, Share. I am glad you did not have to kill wild prey in order 
to stay alive. You would have prayed for the birds to leave something for you 
on your window-sill.

Share2:  I'm thinking of taking that high wire in my hands and making my way to 
the side in hand over hand fashion.  And it is not the smash mouth football 
that will have mainly contributed to my retreat.  You've already survived so 
much.  I'm sure you'll do the same re my "philosophy," whatever the heck that 
is (-:

Robin3: I like what motivates your philosophy, Share--and you have already 
survived some heavy sidewinds without toppling over and plunging down into the 
swirling waters (did you see that guy walk across Niagara Falls?). I don't 
think you will fall--or if you do, you will be airborne. I don't know how you 
do it, but I am becoming convinced it is inside your DNA. If you can experience 
that reality, nature, or even your very biology is predisposing you to be 
loving and positive, then it seems to me you can still walk that 
tightrope—because you are harnessed. No "hand over hand fashion" necessary—not 
so far at least. I'll continue to watch you and what happens when those gusts 
come up. 


Robin2: But hold it, Share: I *was* no heretic. I was just someone (I thought) 
who was seeing into another level of Creation through having been made 
enlightened by Maharishi. So I did not bring some new set of beliefs to my 
status as a TM teacher. I only brought some fresh perceptions, perceptions that 
I was able to make alive and true for those who came along with me. There were 
not beliefs as such during those entire ten years. None. Just experiences, 
perceptions, events. It was all experimental knowledge.--I am fond of saying 
that, I think. May 1, 1944 *around* 10 o'clock in the morning. That's when I 
started taking my fresh new reincarnation seriously, Share.

Share2:  Heretics aren't necessarily bad people.  OTOH seems a might fine line 
between new set of beliefs and fresh perspectives.

Robin3: Maharishi intuited I was no heretic, but then I pressured him into 
saying something that, for meta-political (and other) reasons he could not 
possibly say, without a catastrophic consequences--here is where reality saved 
me, because when I look upon what Maharishi said in that audio tape played in 
the courtroom in Ottumwa, I shudder to think *What my life would have been had 
Maharishi--which now was impossible from every point of view--endorsed what I 
was doing. I would be in a fix that would have meant the extinction of 
providence--as it could possibly apply to me. But, I insist, Share, I was no 
heretic: I was being perfectly obedient to the cosmic intelligence which was 
running my life.  

Share2: Ah, May 1, exalted sun.  That explains the charisma factor.  And, 
people with strong suns prefer to be their own guru.  I have something similar 
and don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

Robin3: I decided to incarnate in the Month of Mary. It was very simple. I 
wanted to get it right—make my birth, as Maharishi would say, "auspicious". :-) 
I don't know nuttin about dat der astrology stuff. Except someone once starting 
reading my chart (I believe it was Maharishi's astrologer who had drawn it 
up—not at MMY's behest by the way; somebody paid good money for this service) 
to me, and I immediately sensed the subtle intelligences which were behind this 
analysis of me—and I asked them to stop reading. Which frustrated them--but I 
was a newly  minted and devout Catholic and I had learned to stay away from the 
demons of astrology. :-) But I ain't no guru to myself--or anyone. No created 
being can ever be a guru. God is the only guru--the Personal God, that is. :-)

R2:By the way, can you tell me how astrology has ever made any difference to 
the exercise of an individual's free will throughout his her lifetime. If the 
planets can influence our free will, how would we know this--I mean in the very 
act of this happening? Astrology seems a form of determinism which is 
contradicted by the force of our experience of our own freedom. If I read a 
perfect analysis of myself as constituting my astrological chart--how would 
this have any effect upon me? Now if astrology could read *the moment*, the 
immediacy when one actually acts--if it could be this fast; that would interest 
me. But I always have the impression of powerless and ironic it is that some 
created human being is telling me about myself--meanwhile that same human being 
is himself or herself subject to the same deterministic implication of his own 
chart. How was Maharishi in any way subject to the stars? How is this moment we 
are sharing here in Creation, Share, subject to anything that astrology could 
tell us? What about your philosophy? Is *that* explained by your Jyotish chart? 
Tell me. Oh, by the way, I like you, Share. :-)

Share2:  I like you too.  When I'm not afraid of you.  I believe and have had 
it confirmed in a student meeting with Bevan, that we can and do "vibe up" our 
charts.  This is subject to intentionality.  Meaning, we must want to do it in 
order for it to happen.  Negative aspects of a chart can be vibed up so that 
the exact same aspect become a positive influence.   I also believe that our 
soul chooses every thing about the planets in our lives, from our birth chart 
to the moment to moment transits.  I really like jyotish a lot for its showing 
of patterns and possibilities rather than predictive accuracy.

Robin3: Sounds reasonable to me. Those TM folks at the top, though, they have a 
lot of "vibing up" do to, methinks. If Bevan has had his chart done, I can 
assure you, he cast a cold eye upon it from his Cambridge-trained mind—and from 
the point of view of his inimitable and unknowable first-person ontology. Bevan 
Morris, he seems to me the quintessential Westerner trying to become Vedic. 
He'll never make it. He is a person, an individual. All the way. He can't 
really become mystically enthralled by the East—he is too rational in his 
nature. I remember seeing his mother crying softly when I addressed some 
pointed questions to him in a lecture he was giving in Chicago back in 1982 [we 
began, as they say "to have words"]--Then he was "Bevan from Heaven" as you 
will remember. Bevan could have been a Cambridge don. Very remarkable 
intelligence there--and I believe character. But he fell in love with 
Maharishi, and has never been able to become who he really is because of this. 
I just never could let someone like that boss me around—which he wants to do.

Share1: As for James Holmes, I'm sure there are souls way more evolved than me 
who are praying for him, etc.

Robin2: This goes right over my head--You mean souls "on other levels" or 
something? Who, pray tell, who lives on the earth, is praying for James Holmes, 
and what do they expect to achieve by their prayers? His contrition? His 
admission that he did evil? His conversion to born-again Christianity? The 
salvation of his soul? And, Share, *are they making any progress with their 
prayers*? I think you duck the question by invoking these "more evolved" souls. 
I am quite sure your prayers are plenty good enough, Share--if I am to judge by 
how you have survived what Marek recognizes as the murderous violence lurking 
beneath the surface of posters here at FFL. You would, by your love and 
positivity, transform that violence into what? No matter, Share: I like 
watching you in action, and so far, I am loving the show. Besides, you have the 
grace of a perfect sincerity. 

Share2:  I can imagine lots of Catholic nuns praying for him.  Maybe Buddhist 
ones too?

Robin3: If you follow me in all that I have said, Share, then I don't believe 
in the efficacy of prayer per se. I do believe in the positive influence of 
feeling and sending love towards someone--heart touching heart. But in a 
supernatural sense, no--except in the rarest and most exceptional cases--I 
don't believe prayer works anymore. Not in the postmodern age. For prayer to be 
efficacious means that it is, ultimately, an act of God. Or at the very least 
mediated by the only uncreated being in the universe, the being who created you 
and me and creation. There used to be an objective difference metaphysically 
between the prayers of the Catholic nuns and those of the Buddhist nuns. Now, I 
that difference to be negligible. What a hard and cynical and skeptical person 
I have become, Share! Pray for me. :-)

Robin1: Shall I return to our big conversation, Share? You are walking that 
tightrope across Niagara Falls and it doesn't seem as if you are going to 
fall--and I see no safety harness. Pretty amazing feat there, Share, baby!

Share1: Waaaaaaaaaaa! Baby wearing water wings I hope (-:

Robin2: Nope. You may perceive that it's water wings, but for me, I see how 
high you really are--and how you balanced yourself when that gust of "STFU" 
came at you today. You kept your feet on the tightrope in a way I would not 
have believed. If you make it through the next few months never being a traitor 
or enemy of your own philosophy, Share, I will have to say that Nietzsche got 
it all wrong. I got my first intellectual thrill from reading that guy--poor 
fellow; I think him tragically mistaken, but he would have been the kind of 
poster on FFL who would have taken your measure. "Baby wearing water wings" 
that was not Freddy. But with you, it fits somehow. Best moment in your post 
for me, Share.

Share2:  Well that STFU actually had me giggling like a teenager during both 
yogic flying sessions on Friday.

Robin3: *This impresses me. "giggling" when someone gets--incongruously--ugly 
with you. That's some feat there, Share. Giggling has just for me become (at 
least in the exemplary instance of Share Long) the postmodern form of turning 
the other cheek.  

Share1: Then, RC, have your criteria been met for returning to personal love 
universal love chat? Hmmm...

Robin2: I think it has. And I shall return to that conversation. Just as long 
as I am convincing you of the truth of every one of my words. Or at least that 
there is this potential. :-)
Share2:  FWIW I do believe you.

Share1: Ok, off to first weight training. Osteo in hips just diagnosed. Must do 
preventative stuff.

Robin2: Look, Share: I am going to have loving thoughts about you today. 
Instead of seeking to mix it up with some of the adversaries here on FFL. What 
are the rules and regulations which go with your philosophy? Do you take 
pupils?--disciples? Would it be possible for me to give an Introductory Lecture 
on the Love Imperishable/Share Long view of Creation? And by the way, Share, 
will you be wearing your water wings when you eventually play chess with Death?

Share2:  What if next death is by another element?  Will water wings really 

Robin3: *Yours* will, Share. You should patent them. Share's Water Wings = 
guaranteed to get you through every jam there might be on the road to heaven.

But let me know when you come to play chess with Death. The guy in the Seventh 
Seal, he is a pretty serious player. He says (from what I know): "I never lose, 

Robin2: I am loving it. Let's keep it going, Share. :-)

I will remember the osteo--I wish you well, Share.

You are being successfully preventive on this forum too.

Share2:  Not sore today which is amazing given Friday workout.  Ok, off to Dome

Robin3: Just always have those water wings with you, Share. Take them with you 
into personal immortality, something almost no one on this forum is the least 
bit interested in—they are all going for something higher, better. But do you 
know what, Share? I think them wrong about that. Heaven—it sounds pretty good 
to me. Although I don't believe in heaven anymore—not after the ABMC. But 
*something* has got to be up—'God', he's doing *something*!—if I am any judge 
of reality. But what it could be, I have no idea. Keep being nice in the Share 
with Water Wings Way, and we will all love you. (And get nicer ourselves.)

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