--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen" <maskedzebra@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ann and Buck,
> > 
> > 
> > I'm baffled by  all this.  I was totally out of the Dome for 7 years, 
> > 2003 to 2010.  During that time I openly participated in lots of stuff in 
> > FF, including Waking Down in Mutuality for about 3 years.  But I had no 
> > trouble getting back into the Dome.  No interrogation room, etc.  Also 
> > through Amma's org, I've been having planetary pujas done for a while now 
> > plus use her jyotishis.  Movement got too expensive and wanted a person to 
> > supply family info also.  Too much of a hassle.  And even when I was a 
> > grad student on campus, I was open about participating in David Deida 
> > tantric workshops.  Again no interrogation room, no subtle threats, etc.
> > 
> > 
> > All I can figure is that they let me alone because I'm just a sidha, not a 
> > gov.  But I don't know for sure.  Now that I'm back in the Dome, 
> > sometimes friends on campus aren't as friendly as they were.  Sometimes 
> > that hurts.  But I sort of understand.  And I have friends in town.  TSR 
> > dontcha know.  Town Super Radiance.  And jokingly means "taking seminars 
> > regularly."  OTOH, truth in jest, etc.  
> > Share in town and in Dome...
> Dear Share,
> My take on all this policing of persons who go outside of the spiritual 
> resources sanctioned by the TM Movement is pretty simple. Those who devise 
> and enforce these rules (which originated in Maharishi himself) are going by 
> their first experience of what TM and Maharishi represented: This is The Way; 
> there is no other way that compares to the TM-Maharishi way.
> TM is defined as the simplest and most natural technique to take one to the 
> deepest level of one's very being—there is no other practice which is defined 
> mechanically and objectively such as to afford the most efficient way of 
> transcending—there are no competitors here.
> The most profound realization one has when one is made a teacher of TM by 
> Maharishi, is: this is It. There isn't anything else. And if TM cannot do 
> what it says it does—take one to the level of pure consciousness—then we are 
> selling a product which does not do what we say it does.
> Any compromise on this policy of guarding "the purity of the teaching" will 
> mean the gradual corruption of TM and the dilution of Maharishi's Teaching, 
> That is one thing that Maharishi was able to do that no other teacher in our 
> lifetime has been able to do: Make us experience that he was the very best, 
> the only one, and that what he was giving to us was coming directly from 
> reality or God or the source of creative intelligence.
> Any flexibility, reasonableness, tolerance here just makes no sense at 
> all—unless the people at the top are giving up their claim to the 
> exclusiveness of TM as being the most beautiful way to transcend that is 
> available anywhere. I refer readers (who have done TM) to their first TM 
> experience. How it happened; what the process was like; how they experienced 
> the mantra working inside of them. The very miraculous innocence—and 
> profundity—of this experience signifies: No competition will be 
> allowed—because what could produce an experience equal to the one you first 
> had when you started TM?
> I don't say the policy is justified on the basis of TM being what Maharishi 
> made us believe it was, and what our experiences—at least for 
> awhile—confirmed, because of course I don't think that TM and Maharishi have 
> continued to get the grace and support which would indicate that reality and 
> God still think they are It. But in terms of the truth of one's devotion to 
> one's Master, and Maharishi brilliant and unchallengeable authority to 
> persuade us of his preeminent position and status in Creation—and his gift to 
> us in the form of his spiritual technology—what the TMO is doing in being 
> careful about vetting persons who meditate in the Dome is not only 
> reasonable, it is entirely truthful to their conscience, their understanding 
> of the will of Maharishi, and their own sense of what is the right thing to 
> do.
> This behaviour on the part of those who wield this authority over meditators 
> is irreproachable in my estimation. Of course if these persons believed that 
> there was another path to God, to the Self, to enlightenment, then the 
> enforcement of these policies would be subject to moral scrutiny. Inside the 
> context of what they deem as truth and the means of not betraying the wishes 
> of their Master, they are behaving entirely appropriately—There simply is no 
> argument to be made against them whatsoever.
> >

This is some excellent writing, it captures the TM tru-believer mind.  It is an 
element of TM.  You don't live here and you left the movement a long time ago.  
There are really very few true-believers left though there are still some lot 
of people interested in meditating in the Domes who meditate in a fear of the 
guidelines.  This hostage hold of true-believer preservationists is a sad 
influence on the Dome numbers that does not need to be there.  The 
true-believers could also not confuse the Dome admission guidelines for the 
teaching.  Maharishi changed the guidelines all the time as need would be.  The 
TM-Rajas were left with that responsibility too.  They have the power and 
authority to administrate as needs be.  The Dome numbers are in a jeopardy to 
their guidelines. 

> > ________________________________
> >  From: awoelflebater <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:02 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM, the Dome Badge, and Religious Practices
> >  
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Om, waht oh.  I may lose my Dome badge, again.  I got called in by 
> > > > > the chief inspector the other day over my religious activities with 
> > > > > non-TM pundits.  If it goes badly they'll take my Dome badge away, 
> > > > > again.  It is still in the balance but it is an interesting thing; 
> > > > > they have these anti-religious practices paragraphs in the Dome 
> > > > > meditation admission guidelines that are a snare.  The paragraphs are 
> > > > > part of a business plan to coerce people to use TM movement joytish 
> > > > > astrology and yagya services more exclusively by using the dome 
> > > > > admission as a punishment.  I had an hour long interview in the Peace 
> > > > > Palace the other day.  Some committee that I'll not see will 
> > > > > adjudicate my case.  "We have something in our files, tell us about 
> > > > > it."
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > How do the TM inspectors [had a good laugh typing that] find out
> > > > you are using non-approved "services?" Is there a supergrass in
> > > > FF? And what the hell business do you think it is of theirs?
> > > > 
> > > > Hope you tell them to stuff their stupid dome badge. Really, what
> > > > is the point of all this if this is the sort of "positivity" that
> > > > TM creates?
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Sal, how?  The 'course office' works it like East German Secret Police 
> > > Stasi doing case work.  They work it all the time.  Search local papers 
> > > for leads, the internet, make interviews, hear conversations in the Domes 
> > > or meal hall on campus or around, some people also feel it their duty to 
> > > tell them things, and then they squeeze people.  They make files and 
> > > network the files.  These are TM career people who are very good at what 
> > > they do.  These are apparatchiks who are unquestioningly loyal 
> > > subordinates.   For them it is about enforcing the guidelines.  If they 
> > > had better guidelines they would enforce them too.  It is a lot like 
> > > being confronted with that German officer investigator actor in 
> > > Inglorious Bastards. 
> > > http://voices.yahoo.com/inglorious-bastards-using-tarantinos-movie-teaching-5616344.html
> > >  
> > > That's the course office and the system that set it up.  Evidently it is 
> > > the best we have to work with.
> > >
> > 
> > Wow Buck, you put up with a lot in order to be able to meditate in the Dome 
> > and operate within the confines of the TM secret police. I had no idea. If 
> > any of this had been going on back in 1976-1980 I would have been out of 
> > there, real fast. I guess what you gain is worth this kind of terrible, 
> > freedom-squelching monitoring? Is this for real? I haven't been paying 
> > attention or following any of this at FFL so I am a bit shocked now that I 
> > actually read one of these posts. I guess you need the collective group 
> > energy that the dome provides when you do your siddhis? You couldn't just 
> > sort of hop around in your own home and essentially be flipping these 
> > Nazi's a bird at the same time as you burn your dome badge? Jeezuz, I would 
> > love to be in Fairfield just to give these assholes a run for their money. 
> > I could think of all sorts of fun scenarios because, frankly, I wouldn't 
> > give a damn and just the opportunity to raise a couple of hackles on these 
> > guy's backs
> >  would be worth the price of admission. Good luck with that. But remember, 
> > certain things are only worth so much boot licking.
> >

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