Hi Share:  Thanks for this.  Gotta roll and get back to all this great info 
that has crossed in the last 24 hours later.  Pop had a small brain hemorrhage 
- forgave him on the spot for everything.  That was easy.  My heart is full 

 From: Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com>
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramblings around Leiden

Dear Emily, I had it all planned to say that in addition to cool loneliness or 
warm loneliness and cool togetherness, it takes a village.  And not just an 
online one as enlightening as it is (-: 

But I see you have a village, the trees which I also love, the ocean which I 
also love and miss.  You have tears of gratitude for this crazy old world.  You 
have your kids and your dog and maybe your extended family is nearby.  I don't 
know a lot about your circumstances so apologies in advance if I say something 
not useful.

Who am I to disagree with Pema Chodron on cool loneliness?  And actually I 
don't.  (Thank you, meru d, that post was helpful.)  OTOH, I can't help but 
remember that my favorite tantric teacher David Deida says that going it alone 
is the masculine way.  It is not the best way for the feminine.  And yes, I 
realize Pema is a woman, very enlightened, etc.

I'm just saying that perhaps so many of the spiritual traditions were designed 
by men for men.  Anyway, Deida believes that the better way for women is in 
community.  I think it's very important for us women not to get down on 
ourselves because we prefer warm community to cool loneliness.  

Hmmm, bet it doesn't have to be either or, bet can have both.  Chubadunga!

So we're back to "it takes a village."  It takes a village not only to raise a 
child but also to heal the inner child of so called adults.  This is partially 
why I suggested you move to FF.  I'm sure there are other wonderful villages 
but this is the one I know about.  And of course it's not perfect, but it is 
wonderful anyway.  And inexpensive.  I'm earth rat so tend to be very practical.

Thank you so much for Prairie Home which I did read tho not at the moment when 
you asked if I was reading (-:  

Because I tend to wake up early no matter when I go to bed, I tend to go to bed 
early ish.  Yeah, it made me laugh wonderfully, thank you so much for that.
As for cruises, if I'm near the water, I prefer to be in the water not on it.  
Tho best friend raves about food on cruises.

Actually I know of one very cool hypnotherapist in FF who believes that 
attending to the next step is very enlightened.  There you are!  As to what 
caused the change in your life?  Dare I suggest, maybe you went into a new 
dasha period?  That's an idea from jyotish, astrology from India.  Plus all of 
what you mentioned including peri menopause.   Hey the bodily changes are real 
and can explain a lot about our emotions and moods, etc.  Again, we women tend 
to get down on ourselves about emotions.  As Pema says, compassion is 

Some indigenous people believe that when the earth's kundalini moved from 
northern hemisphere, China and Tibet, to the southern, Peru and New Zealand 
that it actually signaled a new emphasis on feminine ways of spirituality and 

My ex David reminds me that there tends to be a lot of introverts on forums.  
Maybe you're one too?  Sometimes it's harder for us introverts to be in 3D 
community.  Ok, hoping some of this is helpful and not too long.  


 From: Emily Reyn <emilymae.r...@yahoo.com>
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramblings around Leiden

Dearest Robin, RC, RC(C) (subscript or superscript - let us say that the "C" 
stands for "compassionate" shall we?  Just add that to your many personas)  

You acknowledge me where I am, as I am, and you give me that gift.  Yes, I took 
on life, but in a rebellious way and now I am forced to take a more gentle 
approach and I am pretty P.O'd when I'm not visiting the victim 'hood.  

The inner drive, the energy that sustained me, my ability to write and think 
for a living, my physical stamina - I depended on these things - they defined 
me (took them for granted in hindsight.) These things have faded in the last 
1.5 years - my emotions took over, demanded attention, overwhelmed me.  Ahhh, 
WTF?  Is it the hormones, is it the family of origin issues, is it my karma, is 
it the collapsed adrenal system, is it unprocessed grief, is it negative 
entities taking over, is it the diet, is it lack of spiritual discipline, is it 
that I am inherently flawed?  Self-forgiveness is the hardest thing I do, or 
don't do as the case may be.  In my elementary understanding and reading of 
well-known verse..."Jesus said, Father forgive them for they know not what they 
do."  This helps me forgive others, but I give myself no such out.  

My new philosophy is "pay attention to the next indicated step."  It's all I 
can do..show up for drill...try to stay present.  My memory fails me....what is 
happening "now"?  Oh yeah, I have a dog and the kids are still here.  Alright 
then, off to a walk in the park and a visit to the counselor.  Our new thing. 
(I'm a hard ass if you didn't know...my kids will tell you I lack compassion.)  
I said: "Either you agree to family counseling or you move out.  Period. Oh, 
you are only 15 (to the youngest)?  I don't care."  They believe me.  I'm firm, 
not always fair, and not always consistent, but they believe me. It's my latest 
attempt to salvage the family and after today's session, my oldest thinks there 
may be a glimmer of hope.  Small steps.  

You have been mentioning my name of late...every time, I say "What?"  "Do you 
mean me?"  "Seriously?"  "Where are my poetry books?" The last philosophy I 
really remember reading was while on long passages on a sailboat back in my 
20's - Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and then the novels , Siddhartha and Madame 
Bovary, as I recall.  Where was Jung? I should read Jung perhaps.   I have so 
many books.

Now Robin, baby, I want to tell you that your posts always surprise me.  All of 
them.  I look forward to reading them.  I am so happy you are here for now.  
How funny the Iranitea exchange was.  How fabulous is Share to chat 
unconditionally with you.  Unlike Marek, I don't see FFL as a violent place - 
all that makes me laugh.  Not unlike today's Prairie Home Companion.  They did 
the skit on conflict avoidance that was so funny.  Share, are you reading this? 
 This is for you.  You have to imagine the voices of Garrison Keillor and the 
typical radio female of that show. 


On FFL, the currently departed Mr. Price helped me claim and own pieces of my 
past and places I had been that I had hidden far away from others for many long 
years.  He gave me the gift of forgiveness and I love him for that.  You give 
it to me as well.  I allow it in when outside, in the trees, at the beach.  The 
ocean is so extraordinary - subtly and vastly different at every beach - it 
cares not about our little concerns - it is relentless in it's beauty. It 
washes over me again and again and I cry in gratitude.  

 From: Robin Carlsen <maskedze...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 7:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramblings around Leiden

Dear Emily,

I can't help but feel the struggle and trauma of what you have been passing 
through for some time now: "I have fallen from the top of my game to not being 
in the game at all in a pretty short timeframe, with no end in sight, and a lot 
of responsibilities remaining". I wish I could offer up a remedy; and obviously 
you have read too much on this forum not to have anything more than an 
ambivalent attitude towards Transcendental Meditation. Nevertheless—and in a 
way which I suppose is quite different from the Share Long approach—I would 
reach out to you with my caring for you, even as I don't know you at all. But 
anyone who has followed your posts at FFL must know the willingness of yourself 
to take on life—and what it seems to be dishing out to you—and to not be 
conquered by your misfortune. For myself, regardless of what you write on FFL, 
I sense someone who deserves the good will and the love of those who would wish 
someone who has suffered as you
 have suffered—and who is the appealing human being that you are—to receive the 
grace to be healed, and for your life to not be as hard as it has been. 

So, Emily, I can do nothing by way of recommending gurus or spiritual 
practices; but I can extend my heart to you with real feeling and honesty of 
intention, and at least know that you will believe me when I say I care about 
you—and your children. So, all this amounts to is a kind of personal prayer 
that life in its terrible complexity and hiddenness (in terms of the meaning it 
has in mind in making you descend from such a height as you have—from 
professional success and mastery to a sense of being defeated and held down) 
will somehow turn around for you, and we can all rejoice in learning that 
somehow you are being given some greater support and strength. To know, then, 
that you will make it and you will not be thrown down into any kind of final 
helplessness and futility. I think I will just say it, Emily: I feel a real 
affection for you and this post is just to make that known to you.



Awww, so nice.  I don't require acknowledgment and I'm practicing listening, 
which my kids say I don't do enough of.  I am a chirper in my current state and 
am not in the least offended; in fact FFL seldom offends me personally...and 
when it does, not for long.  Mostly I laugh, which is a good thing. 

I'm not as nimble as most of ya'll, either in verse or intellectual musings or 
spiritual discourse or witticisms (is that a word?).  I enjoy reading and 
trying to assimilate what crosses here.  My brain still doesn't work the way it 
used to and I am beginning to seriously worry as I have fallen from the top of 
my game to not being in the game at all in a pretty short timeframe, with no 
end in sight, and a lot of responsibilities remaining.  I have been hiding and 
in denial about many things.  But, I'm coming out of my denial and as I have 
yet to be diagnosed with a terminal illness, it looks like I'm going to 
*really* have to reinvent my life before all the money runs out.  There is no 
going back. 

From: Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@...>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramblings around Leiden

Dear Bhairitu,

Very good point, Bhairitu. I wanted to insult Emily, but thought no one would 
notice. You caught my real intention hereâ€"and I am found out.

Is there any way I can expiate for my derogatory remark?

Your objection (which nailed me good) reminds me of the idea of poetry: 
"imaginary gardens with real toads in them".

But I, for one, am glad that the Pudget Sound lady graces us once in awhile by 
rubbing her wings together to create a distinct chirp,â€"which, you will 
observe, silences.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> So now you're calling Emily a cricket? You're pretty amazing, Robin. :-D
> On 07/27/2012 09:56 AM, Robin Carlsen wrote:
> > There is a cricket named Emily who just chirped. Did any of you guys hear 
> > her? Her chirp seems to be one sound that is not to be heard. One person 
> > heard the chirp and pulled out his noise-maker. And then the other 
> > noise-makers all came out. I guess I was just hearing things. Pretty soon 
> > it will be as if the cricket named Emily never did chirp.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >> On 07/27/2012 01:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >>>>>> Nothing in Holland is far from Vlodrop, including Leiden :-)
> >>>>> Ever been to the states, Nabby? Some of our states are bigger
> >>>>> than some of the European countries (including the larger ones).
> >>>> I know, I've driven through endless cornfields probably bigger
> >>>> than the entire Holland :-) My point was that perhaps the
> >>>> Turq-fellow finally was picking up some silence from Vlodrop.
> >>> Nabby's point was self importance, and trying to suggest
> >>> that Maharishi and the TMO could "take credit" for the
> >>> silence I feel around Leiden.
> >> Do you have crickets chirping in the evening as I have around here? I
> >> even have a freeway about a block away but out here it is "country
> >> quiet" with all the amenities of an suburban city. Such are the
> >> benefits of living in what was once John Muir's orchard. ;-)
> >>
> >

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Awww, so nice.  I don't require acknowledgment and I'm practicing listening, 
> which my kids say I don't do enough of.  I am a chirper in my current state 
> and am not in the least offended; in fact FFL seldom offends me 
> personally...and when it does, not for long.  Mostly I laugh, which is a 
> good thing.  
> I'm not as nimble as most of ya'll, either in verse or intellectual musings 
> or spiritual discourse or witticisms (is that a word?).  I enjoy reading and 
> trying to assimilate what crosses here.  My brain still doesn't work the way 
> it used to and I am beginning to seriously worry as I have fallen from the 
> top of my game to not being in the game at all in a pretty short timeframe, 
> with no end in sight, and a lot of responsibilities remaining.  I have been 
> hiding and in denial about many things.  But, I'm coming out of my denial 
> and as I have yet to be diagnosed with a terminal illness, it looks like I'm 
> going to *really* have to reinvent my life before all the money runs out. 
>  There is no going back.  
> ________________________________
>  From: Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:12 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ramblings around Leiden
> Dear Bhairitu,
> Very good point, Bhairitu. I wanted to insult Emily, but thought no one would 
> notice. You caught my real intention hereâ€"and I am found out.
> Is there any way I can expiate for my derogatory remark?
> Your objection (which nailed me good) reminds me of the idea of poetry: 
> "imaginary gardens with real toads in them".
> But I, for one, am glad that the Pudget Sound lady graces us once in awhile 
> by rubbing her wings together to create a distinct chirp,â€"which, you will 
> observe, silences.
> Robin
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > So now you're calling Emily a cricket? You're pretty amazing, Robin. :-D
> > 
> > On 07/27/2012 09:56 AM, Robin Carlsen wrote:
> > > There is a cricket named Emily who just chirped. Did any of you guys hear 
> > > her? Her chirp seems to be one sound that is not to be heard. One person 
> > > heard the chirp and pulled out his noise-maker. And then the other 
> > > noise-makers all came out. I guess I was just hearing things. Pretty soon 
> > > it will be as if the cricket named Emily never did chirp.
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > >> On 07/27/2012 01:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > >>>>>> Nothing in Holland is far from Vlodrop, including Leiden :-)
> > >>>>> Ever been to the states, Nabby?  Some of our states are bigger
> > >>>>> than some of the European countries (including the larger ones).
> > >>>> I know, I've driven through endless cornfields probably bigger
> > >>>> than the entire Holland :-) My point was that perhaps the
> > >>>> Turq-fellow finally was picking up some silence from Vlodrop.
> > >>> Nabby's point was self importance, and trying to suggest
> > >>> that Maharishi and the TMO could "take credit" for the
> > >>> silence I feel around Leiden.
> > >> Do you have crickets chirping in the evening as I have around here? I
> > >> even have a freeway about a block away but out here it is "country
> > >> quiet" with all the amenities of an suburban city.  Such are the
> > >> benefits of living in what was once John Muir's orchard. ;-)
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> >


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