--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Seraphita wrote:
> > I only learned of the existence of Robin Carlsen when I read  
> > Suzanne Segal's memoir Collision with the Infinite (she called
> > him "Robert Peterson" in the text) which included a brief
> > account of her troubling encounter with his "cult".
> >
> > Being curious about TM heretics-cum-rebels I was wondering if  
> > anyone has any photos of the Victoria community back in the 
> > 1980s they could post on FFL.
> >
> > Lord Knows? Masked Zebra?
> It's been requested in the past that such photos not be
> shared publicly because of privacy concerns for those
> involved, esp. since many now have children, etc.

As Vaj was told when he posted a photo of Robin and his
group in Fairfield awhile back. These were concerns Robin
himself voiced here. Interesting that Vaj doesn't mention
this. Notice the passive voice: "It's been requested..."

Of course, privacy concerns didn't appear to bother Vaj
when he subsequently threatened to post video of Robin's
seminars on YouTube:

"Well, I try to be sensitive to the fact that this whole
thing has to have been very traumatic for R.

"It's amazing that none of the video has been leaked yet, but
that's really just a matter of converting the old analog video
to digital and we could have them up on YouTube quickly
thereafter. The pathology of supposed higher states of
consciousness - meditative disease -  is a new field really,
and I think video documentation could go a long way to helping jumpstart that 
field, potentially preventing suffering from
faux meditative lineages like Mahesh & Co."

Yes, Vaj is obviously the most sensitive of individuals,
isn't he?

> It would be interesting if you'd share what Segal found
> troubling with RWC and the WTS - perhaps an excerpt or two?

Says Vaj, demonstrating his great sensitivity once again.

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