--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:

ROBIN[quoted]: I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to
 bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about you, Curtis.

CURTIS: You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.
 Got it. Over and out.

BARRY:It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
That Curtis or anyone else "owes" him a response
in which he addresses what he says about him. And
that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
do, he's just going to keep calling him names
until he does.

ROBIN: Barry, lighten up. I am just having fun. Curtis knows it's a game we are 
playing. (At the beginning of our faux quarrel we both thought of monetizing 
it--but decided it should be free for the time being. So enjoy it, Barry.)

BARRY: That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do.
That's what attention vampires do. That's what
Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
trend it's what Ann is starting to do.

ROBIN: That's quite cute--a sop to Curtis for his attempt to bring Ann around. 
She is redeemable still, it would seem. Problem is, Barry: She's not fucking 
stupid."[A]nd in a saddening trend": sounds like someone losing their faith or 
something: time for a Novena, Ann: for the purpose of discovering: Just WTF is 
the truth here on FFL? Barry and Curtis meanwhile will take the discipline and 
sing canticles for your soul. 

By the way, I don't particularly like the idea that I am child throwing a 

What you say in controversy, Barry, it gives a new definition of UNMEANING. No 
Haggen-Daz and no Grey Goose and no Five Guys.  Canned spinach, Barry.

BARRY: It's NOT what normal people do.

ROBIN: It's what normal people do when when they catch someone posing incognito 
as a kind of Philosopher King employing an ultra-form of sophistry.

BARRY: What would you do if some guy on the street walked
up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things
about you in your face, and then stood there
demanding that you *debate* these things with him,
and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to
point up to the sky and say "Look...is that a UFO?"
...and then run away?

ROBIN: Think Raunchy, Barry: Those Three Dialogues. I am doing nothing, Barry, 
but pointing out that when you begin to open the lid, there's more than 
sardines in there.

BARRY: And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
start to think that they can demand things of
others that they would never dare to demand of
them in real life.

ROBIN: Susan, I have had it with Barry. Will you speak to him?

I will give you this, Barry: You may just may be out-Kaufmanning us here.

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