
The 8th house represents transformation, mystery, taboo subjects, sexual 
practices, scientific discoveries, esoteric subjects and ancient civilizations. 
 Oddly enough, it also represents writing compositions since this house is the 
5th house (signifying creativity) from the 4th house(signifying the heart or 

1. Jupiter in the 8th house causes arguments among members since Jupiter is the 
lord of the 5th house or the mind/discussions of concepts.

Also, Jupiter is a significator of the Guru.  Thus, the forum engages in 
discussing the negative aspects, such as rumours of sexual encounters with 
female disciples, of spiritual movement gurus like MMY and others.

2. Rahu in Gemini and in the 8th house causes discussion of current scientific 
developments, particularly in cosmology and quantum theories.

Since Rahu signifies something odd or foreign, the forum often discusses gay 
marriages, polygamy, and polyamorous relationships.  Similarly, the forum has 
discussed topics like crop circles, UFOs, Atlantis, construction of the 
Egyptian pyramids, and the ancient Maya and Inca civilizations.

3.  The combination of Jupiter and Rahu causes discussion of atheistic 
philosophies, particularly that of Richard Dawkins.

4.  You will find all of these discussions in the archives, which represent the 
forum's written works and literature.

So, there you have it--the forum activities in brief.


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Richard, I bet a really good jyotishi could tell us who it's going to be 
> about tomorrow (-:
> John, what about Guru and Rahu in the 8th, opposed by Mars and Ketu in 2nd.  
> Can't be good!
> ________________________________
>  From: Richard J. Williams <richard@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:26 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of 
> $cientology
> tourquoiseb: 
> > It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
> > That Curtis or anyone else "owes" him a response
> > in which he addresses what he says about him. And
> > that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
> > do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
> > until he does.
> > 
> > That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
> > what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
> > ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
> > That's what attention vampires do. That's what
> > Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
> > trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
> > 
> > It's NOT what normal people do. 
> > 
> > What would you do if some guy on the street walked
> > up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things 
> > about you in your face, and then stood there 
> > demanding that you *debate* these things with him, 
> > and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to 
> > point up to the sky and say " that a UFO?"
> > ...and then run away?
> > 
> > And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
> > start to think that they can demand things of
> > others that they would never dare to demand of 
> > them in real life.
> >
> So, it's all about Barry. LoL!
> Share, I tried to warn you.
> > > > I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
> > > > bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
> > > > you, Curtis. 
> > > 
> > > M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
> > > Got it.  Over and out.

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