--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> > > 
> > The out-of-pocket cost borne by a few rich donors has been inverting the 
> > curve of attendance through the out-sourcing infusion of Indian boys 
> > propping up and hiding our miserable numbers.  Everyone should be concerned 
> > why the meditaing numbers are so bad.  
> > > -Buck in the Dome
> > 
> > Buck, how long do you personally think wealthy, and blessed, donors are 
> > willing to pay to support the americans, in America ? 
> > Not knowing the costs for the Pundits in Fairfield, but if you add up 
> > everything including air-fare, visas, cost of food etc I would presume you 
> > would be able to support a much bigger group at the Brahmastan of India. 
> > From what I understand most of these donations are coming from the 
> > oilindustry. Already in 1982 Maharishi predicted that oil would become 
> > worthless. 
> > The funding for Invincible America could quickly disappear for one or both 
> > of the above reasons.
> >
> Dear Nablusoss, This is an extremely sober question for Fairfield that anyone 
> living in the area of the Jefferson County Iowa economy should be very 
> interested in.  It is a huge high-minded project that takes an incredible 
> amount of money every month to run. It proly has another year to run at full 
> throttle, particularly if we can't achieve and sustain the sufficient 
> critical mass of meditating.
> The immediate urgent priority for national and world peace is to join the 
> large group meditation at MUM. Only 2000 meditataing in Fairfield/Maharishi 
> Vedic City will bring security to America and defuse the precarious 
> escalation of conflict in the world.
> -Buck
> http://invincibleamerica.org/tallies/

Fragmentation, Community and Saving the Dome Meditation.  It's true.  
Nablusoss, this is an incredibly important question that everybody in Fairfield 
should be very interested in.  Even the town's Chamber of Commerce should be 
extremely interested in the welfare of the Dome numbers; in how the Dome 
numbers of people meditating here together are doing.  It should very much be 
in the interests of the Chamber to offer to mediate the problems in the 
meditating community to get a reconciliation towards high numbers meditating in 
the Domes again.  The meditating community is likely the largest industry in 
town and the County.  Like, go out to the Mansion in Maharishi Vedic City and 
ask those people what is wrong with them that they cannot get a requisite 
number of people in the Domes for meditation.  The President's Office on campus 
too.  Those people have been in charge for decades, may be they could come out 
and walk with the people in a process of peace and reconcilement mediated by 
some credible outsiders.  The American Friends Service Committee has teams of 
mediators who are vastly experienced at just this sort of thing with fragmented 
communities.  The Dome numbers are way too important to just let languish 
without a serious try at resuscitation.  Bring in someone like Bill Clinton or 
a Desmond Tutu to moderate.  Peace and reconciliation.  It would be good for 

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