--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason" <jedi_spock@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Could it evolution that homo-sapiens have this bizzare 
> > tendency to draw bulls-eye after the arrow has been shot?
> > 
> > Taking credit for "achievements" after the event has 
> > happened.  
> Ehm, how many Guru Purimah's did you spend with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ?
> At certain celebrations one would place a "wish-note" for Guru Dev in a box 
> in the podium and later, if one so wished, speak out the wish.
> I personally witnessed several (Germans) who wished for an united Germany, 
> this was in the '70s and '80s. Maharishi always said "It will happen". 
> Now, how many of the nitwits in the audience who later left Him,  some even 
> have the nerve to post here claiming to be experts in esoteric matters, 
> believed a word of that ?
> The rest of us simply, with time, witnessed the words of this great Master 
> come through.

Dear Nablusoss, that's a beautiful remembrance of a true time and a movement.  
As meditators even now we are part of a family and as a family we will rise and 
fall together.  In collective consciousness you each made a difference then and 
No matter what you do now or where you'll go we carry the memory of the history 
we made together.   The best is yet to come.  Everyone who can, sit up and 
meditate, stay close together.  There's power and safety in numbers.  Come to 

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