--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> Friends, 
> "It is not unknown to you, meditators , what disasters have befallen here, 
> and, in fact, our embarrassments would be at the insuperable pitch, had not 
> your qualities, which have been so often manifested, as meditator sons and 
> daughters of our movement. Hardly one among you but has distinguished himself 
> by some nobly memorable action: all these services to the movement are known 
> well, and we will never forget. 
> We flatter ourselves, therefore, that in this case too nothing will be 
> wanting which the movement has a right to expect of your valor. The hour is 
> at hand. I should think we had done nothing, if we left the Field in 
> possession of non-meditators and the ill-illumined. Let me apprise you, then: 
> we intend, in spite of the Rules of Art and argument of our foes, to attack 
> the Princes of inertia and ignorance, which seems everywhere is nearly thrice 
> our strength, wherever we find it. The question is not of their numbers, or 
> the strength of their position: all this, by courage, by the skill of our 
> methods and meditation, we will try to make good. This step we must risk, or 
> everything is lost. We must beat the enemy, or perish all of us before his 
> batteries. So I read the case; so we must will and act in it.  Come to 
> Meditation in the Dome. Come at first light to the Dome on Election Day to 
> uphold the day.  Come join with us and I will be personally grateful to each 
> of you.  
> -Buck in the Dome
Going to the dome on Election Day counts only if you actually VOTE. Polls are 
open 7 am to 9 pm. Help Get Out the Vote. We are canvassing and phone banking 
until 9:00 pm tonight and from 9 am to 9 pm Election Day. Call Tara Metts, OFA 
Coordinator at Jefferson County HQ to help GOTV 515-306-1298. It's exactly what 
Mitt Romney doesn't want you to do. Republicans are doing everything they can 
to suppress the vote. If you have any trouble voting at the polls tomorrow, 
call the Election Protection Hotline 855-868-3174. Find your precinct at 


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