--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Share replying to Ann's recent posts to Xeno and laughinggull:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> I'm not Share but I think it is rude to talk about 
> someone as if they aren't already standing in the same room with you.
> Share:  I assure you Ann, no one on FFL is standing in my FF living room with 
> me at this moment!  More relevantly, at this moment I don't know 
> who is online, so don't even know who is in the CHAT ROOM with me right 
> now.  Sometimes when it seems appropriate I address people directly as 
> I'm doing now with you though I'm guessing that you're not yet online 
> this morning.  There have been a few times recently when it's been 
> appropriate to address Robin directly as when I replied to his reply to 
> Bill's book.  Other 
> times I reply to other individuals or to FFL as a whole especially in 
> the case where Robin seems to be taking a break and I have something to 
> say.  Especially something to say to address the various accusations and 
> insinuations about me.
> More importantly, since the first upset with Robin on Sept 6, I have asked 
> him if we could work out our misunderstandings offline.  At that time, twice 
> he brought our exchanges back online.  And it seems that he continues to 
> prefer that format through all the upsets that have occurred since 
> then.  So be it.  I was willing to discuss the psychological rape topic 
> offline. I've been willing to discuss the CULT issues offline.  But if 
> Robin prefers to discuss these matters online, and if I wish to address 
> public accusations and insinuations about me, then the best option I see is 
> to reply 
> online. 

Well Share, considering the convoluted discussions, often confusing, downright 
misleading, and negative, intentionally hurtful things you've had to say about 
Robin online for all to see, (I'm certain Judy could provide links supporting 
my assertions) maybe Robin's decision to talk to you online was correct. It 
seems to me he may have intuited a tendency of stalking behavior on your part 
and wanted to nip in the bud perhaps a fledgling love interest, which he had no 
intention of encouraging. Your continued interest in him under the guise of 
"helping" him, help only his detractors think he needs, and continuing to press 
your case of psychological rape, an utterly bogus fantasy, is IMO simply 
deluded stalking as evidenced by your "actions." Maybe it's time for a vacation 
from FFLife to heal your attachment to Robin.

> In another post:
> laughinggull wrote:  Anyway, that's why I think that none of us can say that 
> the Robin 
> of today is the same as the Robin of long ago, because we have no basis 
> on which to make that judgment without being around him physically for a
>  reasonable amount of time to witness what I think of as true *actions* 
> with all the accompanying nuances, body language, etc. etc. And besides,
>  who can say that Robin isn't laughing his ass off or doesn't have his 
> tongue firmly planted in his cheek as he types his comments here at 
> FFL...maybe he's just having a little fun at our expense.
> Ann replied:  I agree that close physical proximity to anyone is the only 
> way to go if
>  you want to really get to know them. The nuances just can't be beat if 
> you want the real goods on someone. Just like my horse, I need to hear 
> them, (smell them!) and watch every little move they make to come to 
> understand more of what is going on in their person(hood). And this on 
> top of hearing what they have to say, in person
> Share:  So on what close physical proximity to Robin are you basing what you 
> say in the post BELOW?  That which occurred 25 years ago?  Or your current 
> cyber interactions?  Especially that part about his being a regular grunt 
> like the rest of us, on what are you basing that?  Even from his most recent 
> posts I'd say Robin is something other than a regular grunt.  I'm sure his 
> day to day life has its regular aspects.  And I too see his regular 
> humanity.  However, based on his exchanges here I see more than regular 
> grunt.  

Robin is more than a regular grunt, fer sure.

> In addition, I'd guess that as a mature man, Robin's also aiming to help ease 
> the load of others and love and cherish them, not only to be eased and loved 
> and cherished.  Sometimes IMO Robin's supporters reply as if he's a helpless 
> little boy.  
> ________________________________
>  From: awoelflebater <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 8:15 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: attempting to heal the brain down through the 
> ages
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> And as for Robin, he is just a man. He is someone who has struggled and 
> continues to struggle with the challenges life chucks his direction. But I 
> think he is doing his best; I do not think he lives without emotion, fear, 
> attachment, doubts, moments of joy, the ability to discriminate. In other 
> words, he is a regular grunt like the rest of us, stumbling his way through 
> his years on this planet and
>  he yearns for something that will eventually ease the load and confirm he is 
> a soul who is loved and cherished. 
> > >
> >

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