Share, you had exactly the right idea in your post yesterday:

"Robin, I also realized on the drive home on such a beautiful day, that you 
seem happy with your healing journey, with your level of recovery, with your 
life and with your friendships on FFL.  Who am I to question that?  I am happy 
for you.  Yet it's also clear to me that I feel sad that we have not been able 
to get closer.  In fact, since our first upset, it has been just one kafufel 
after another.  So we have simply been getting farther and farther away from 
each other.  I think it would be wiser and happier for me to just let you be 
you.  And to look for the closeness that seemed possible elsewhere."

You need to stick with just "letting" Robin be Robin. You
fucked up the relationship, most likely irretrievably.
Show us you're getting to be a big girl and stop picking
on Robin for an "upset" that was *entirely* your fault.

--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Yesterday driving back from Iowa City I chuckled at my silly 
> thought:  Robin should just do TM.  But of course he has recently 
> said that everything TM is anathema to him.

No, he has not said this just "recently." He's said this 
repeatedly and consistently ever since he started posting to
FFL in June 2011, and even before that on TM-Free.

> So then I thought of mindfulness as written about by Dr. Dan
> Siegel in Mindsight.  In his therapy practice, Dr. Siegel
> uses several forms of mindfulness to help clients heal their
> physical brains even of genetically based limitations and
> imbalances.

Robin is doing just fine on his own. He does not need 
Siegel's "mindfulness."

> Some might ask with regard to Robin, what imbalances and 
> limitations.  Even yesterday we see evidence of  his
> brilliance.  I agree.  And yet for me the questions have
> remained ever since the first upset between me and him
> around the Russian flash mob youtube.  Of course at that
> time I was still mostly unfamiliar with boisterous forums
> like FFL and certainly with posters like Robin.  But his
> response to me then and his response to Bill now seem
> similar to me in their self contradicting and confusing
> quality.  Then I realized that this is what happens when
> Robin gets triggered.

No, Share, this is what happens when Share gets very mixed
up and is unable to follow what other people are saying.
*You* are confused. Robin isn't confused, and he hasn't
contradicted himself.
With the Russian flashmob thing, *you* got triggered, not
Robin. You got triggered by having misunderstood something
he had said to you, and you overreacted quite spectacularly.

With Howell's book, Robin has reacted with enormous dignity
and honesty and courage. (If anything, he *underreacted* to

But you still haven't managed to recover from *your* having
been triggered by your flashmob misunderstanding, and your
malice toward Robin keeps increasing:

> Triggered is a New Age word.  In ancient times the village
> shaman would have been consulted. The jyotishi would have
> done yagyas for retrograde Mercury 3 degrees from exalted
> Sun.  In the Dark Ages they would have spoken of possession.
> In the last century they spoke of lunacy and threw people
> into horrible institutions.  Nowadays big pharma offers all
> kinds of meds to help the brain.

The above is an extended personal attack on Robin, designed to
portray him as being in such bad shape mentally that he needs
a shaman or yagyas or an exorcism or even institutionalization,
with medication that would destroy his liver as a last resort.

But none of that actually applies to Robin. It applies to
you, Share. You need the shaman and the yagyas. You need the
exorcism. You are obsessed with Robin. You need to be healed
of that obsession. Hopefully you won't need to be drugged or

> Too bad about the side effects such as destroying one's liver
> in the process!  Anyway, post New Age, experts like Dr. Siegel
> focus on brain chemistry and neuroplasticity, the ability of
> the brain to be healed naturally.  We are so fortunate that
> now there are powerful non drug ways to heal the brain.
> Hopefully even of any ongoing harm from LSD.

Don't know if you ever took LSD, Share, but you need to
find some nondrug appproaches to heal your brain, the sooner
the better. Whatever you've done so far is not working.

> Robin, I am saying all this because you said that you are
> using FFL to understand what happened to you and to make
> sense of your life now.  I'm hoping that what I say helps
> with that.

No, Share, nothing you're saying contributes to Robin's
quest to understand what happened to him in the past or to
make sense of his life now. He's doing just fine with all
that on his own.

You are the one who needs the help. Big-time.

> And I'm trying to understand myself too in all this FFL
> extravaganza and our upsets in particular.

*Your* upsets in particular.

> I liked the point that I think laughinggull made yesterday and
> will use my own words:  that it could well be that Robin is 
> different in 3D life than he is in FFL.  For sure this is true
> of us all.

Yes, Share, this has been said a jillion times before. But
Robin is just fine on FFL. With you, on the other hand, one
can only hope you aren't so badly off in real life as you
appear to be on FFL.

> Anyway, I'm just saying that something like TM or mindfulness
> might provide the final strokes of healing needed beyond the
> work Robin has done for the past 25 years.

Again: Robin is doing just fine on his own. He doesn't need
or want your "help" or your suggestions. Give it up, Share.

It is way, WAAAAY past time for you to stop trying to
convince everybody that Robin is incapable of dealing with
whatever he needs to deal with in his own way. It is way,
WAAAAY past time for you to stop suggesting that *your*
problems with Robin are in any way *his* fault.

It is way, way, WAAAAAY past time for you to turn your
attention to your own problems and your own need for healing
and leave Robin the hell alone.

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