--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Dunno if any of you are interested but when I saw this 
> > blog on a TM study and saw one of the comments on it, 
> > I decided to post a reply - this brought forth a heated 
> > response from someone that I suspect works for the TM 
> > folks - so check it out if you want some fun.
> > 
> > http://cardiobrief.org/2012/11/13/mysterious-disappearing-paper-finally-reappears-in-another-journal/
> Hilarious. I love how the TB responds when you pin something
> down about TM, all of a sudden it was never meant to cure 
> anything, never meant to make you enlightened and it was *you*
> who didn't understand it if you aren't happy with what it didn't
> do. It's like these people forget they ever read any of Marshy's
> books or heard a lecture.

On another level, all of this posturing and arguing and
(essentially) "self image repair" on the blog is the 
perfect counterpart to what's happening on this forum. 
What ELSE would you call the desperate attempts on both 
sides of the "Who is really the stalker here?" silliness? 

>From his side, Robin is so clearly and heavily invested
in trying to get everyone to see him the way he sees
himself that I'm expecting him to hire a cyberhelicopter
and spam FFL with leaflets any day now. I see Share as
only slightly less invested, and *just* as ego-involved
in trying to prove that her view is "right" and that she
is the "victim." The groupies on both sides...just more 
ego-posturing to claim that one side is "right" or "more 
right" than another. It all adds up to a shitload of 
people who feel a need to constantly (and aggressively) 
"defend" what they believe, and "defend" the images that
they push out about themselves...almost as if they can no 
longer distinguish that from what they are.

Almost as if. :-)

TM is a minor meditation technique that most people on
this planet have never heard of and never will; what 
the general public thinks about it Simply Doesn't Matter
because TM Simply Doesn't Matter. It doesn't have a 
chance competing in a health care marketplace against
techniques that are more reasonably priced and that don't
carry the baggage that TM does. 

It's the same IMO with all of the egos involved in all 
this posturing and arguing. Almost no one on the planet
other than a couple of dozen people lame enough to read
this forum will ever know anything about the people
themselves, or ever care to. It's a bunch of nobodies
arguing with other nobodies about their supposed 

People have tried to demonize "drive bys" on this forum,
as if simply stating one's opinion and moving on is
a Bad Thing. I suspect it's a more highly evolved thing.
You just say what you think and stay out of the shit.

Let those who enjoy wallowing in shit do that. 

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