Thanks I appreciate your saying this. I just like honesty, that's all - if the 
TMO came clean owned up to all the things the things they do, openly and 
honestly, I wouldn't have a word to say.

 From: awoelflebater <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM studies and dueling comments.

Michael, I read the website and your comments and I thought, like virtually all 
of your writing here at FFL, that you state you case and your experiences with 
utmost clarity and lack of reaction. I appreciate who you are and where you're 
coming from to the extent that I can without really knowing you. Carry on, you 
are simply speaking of your perceptions and conclusions and experiences in a 
way which I find intelligent and worth considering.

--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Whether you and other TM apologists like it or not, if you want the general 
> public to dote on TM like you do, you are going to have to deal with the 
> baggage the Movement has generated for nearly 60 years - you can't expect 
> this info to be taken in a vacuum - as in pay attention to what we tell you 
> to pay attention to, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. 
> I don't rant - I want people to have the full picture, not the limited 
> information the TM Movement puts out - then people can make their own 
> decision - but people are entitled to full disclosure, full information and 
> you know damn good and well full disclosure is one thing the TM folks are not 
> willing to give most of the time.
> When you deal with esoteric notions there is the notion of karma or 
> unresolved energy that people create individually and collectively - if you 
> want more people to do TM you are going to have to deal openly and 
> forthrightly with the energy of unpleasant and unconscionable behavior the TM 
> Movement has created and perpetuated. Even those who are still TM boosters 
> have story after story of TM abuse.
> I spoke last night to an old friend who was on one of the early Governor 
> training courses and who was on one of the teams of Governors who taught the 
> TM Sidhi Prep courses around 1977 or 1978 - she nearly adores what she 
> received from Maharishi, yet said her time on the Sidhi Prep teams was one of 
> the worst of her life due to the way the Council in New York who was in 
> charge of the teams treated her and the other ladies on her team, and other 
> teams she knew of.
> Karma is karma but you seem to think if its created in the service of 
> Maharishi it don't stick to you.
> What does that have to do with scientific research? The credibility of the 
> organization that does this research has been impaired due to its behavior, 
> not to mention the fact that to have most of the TM research done by TM'ers 
> always with positive results is like having Merck doing all its own research 
> on its own drugs, or as we say here in the South, its like having the coyotes 
> guarding the hen house.
> ________________________________
>  From: feste37 <feste37@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 10:33 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM studies and dueling comments.
> Your comments are worthless because they are not about the subject of the 
> article. You just wanted to go on an anti-TM rant, throwing in everything you 
> could think of. The other posters dealt with you quite kindly, which is more 
> than you deserved. 
> --- In, "mjackson74" <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Dunno if any of you are interested but when I saw this blog on a TM study 
> > and saw one of the comments on it, I decided to post a reply - this brought 
> > forth a heated response from someone that I suspect works for the TM folks 
> > - so check it out if you want some fun.
> > 
> >
> >


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