> Your comments are worthless because they are not about 
> the subject of the article. You just wanted to go on 
> an anti-TM rant, throwing in everything you could think 
> of. The other posters dealt with you quite kindly, which 
> is more than you deserved...  
So, I guess if the TM studies have been discredited, then
we should be able to read the rebuttals *in the journals that
originally published them*. So, why can't mjackson just
cite those journals, or links to them, so we can read
the studies that debunk TM practice.

>From what I've read, most of the 360 scientific studies on 
TM were done by scientists not affiliated with the TMO.

"Meditation labs have sprung up at universities across the 
country--places such as Yale, UCLA, University of Oregon, 
UW Madison and Maharishi University of Management. Their
contributions have helped researchers identify three major 
categories of techniques, classified according to EEG 
measurements and the type of cognitive processing or 
mental activity involved..."

'How Meditation Techniques Compare -- Zen, Mindfulness
Transcendental Meditation and more' 
Huffpost - Healthy Living
> > Dunno if any of you are interested but when I saw this 
> > blog on a TM study and saw one of the comments on it, 
> > I decided to post a reply - this brought forth a heated 
> > response from someone that I suspect works for the TM 
> > folks - so check it out if you want some fun.
> > 
> > http://cardiobrief.org/2012/11/13/mysterious-disappearing-paper-finally-reappears-in-another-journal/
> >

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