--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@...> 

> Let us pray: Dear Lord, these have been trying times at FFL. Really, we
> had a few days of calm, but it pretty much all busted open starting last
> night. And Lord, I am perplexed. How can it be that people who are like
> minded about so many things, can have such vehement disagreements? Even
> in your wisdom Lord, I don't know if you can adequately answer this.
> Lord, include me and Ravi in your prayers. I feel that some measure of
> reconciliation has taken place between us, and I thank you for that.
> And bless Share, and Emily, and Judy, and the Raunchdog. (I know Lord
> that that name is a little peculiar, but she is a fine person. She is
> someone I would want to have on my team.)
> And Lord, forget not our dear friend in Canada, Robin Woodsworth
> Carlson. A fine fellow he is, who only recently came out from his
> seclusion. Help him Lord to be understood properly.
> And also Irantea, and Xeno, and all the others I haven't mentioned here
> Lord, including Barry, and even Curtis. Okay, even Vaj.
> Thank you Lord.

Steve, thank you for including me (Iranitea) in your prayers. Let me join the 
group hug here with everybody, the love fest with everybody. I sort of missed 
it, you all came after I had left the battlefield.

Wishing you all a happy Krishna/Christ-mas, and a Happy New Year, even and 
especially to those who feel unable to reciprocate it.


Just another rusty brother
Seeing his old role replayed
Looking in the world like a broken mirror
Seeing his old face displayed
They come and go, come and go
Why do you advertise goodbye
Living a lie will lay you low, what can I tell you, what can I sell you
But the truth will make you high

Death is unreal that's the way I feel
There's more to be revealed
Lovers and friends meet again and again
On the dear old
On the dear old
On the dear old battlefield

Death is unreal that's the way I feel
There's more to be revealed
Lovers and friends meet again and again
On the dear old
On the dear old
On the dear old battlefield

I will see my memory lightly let me go
I know that we will always be but time pass fast and slow
Agelong cradlesong almost had me sleeping for good
If not for the plan of the magic man who finally helped me out of the wood.

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