--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> > >
> > > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got 
> > > his own little thing going. Thoughts anyone?
> > > 
> > > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
> > 
> > Since you asked for "thoughts," here are mine.
> > 
> > Clearly, people here ( especially the members of The
> > Clique, who must have been saving up for a pile-on
> > fest ) didn't think much of this guy's act.
> > 
> > What struck me as *obvious*, and something that I 
> > don't think any of the detractors seem to have noticed,
> > is that his act -- meaning his way of speaking, the
> > way he moves and talks, etc. -- is pure Maharishi. 
> It's not pure Maharishi, it's pure TMO. MMY doesn't 
> actually speak like that...

Actually, I have many memories of him speaking
like that, especially after his "week of silence"
periods. As Curtis has pointed out, it's a schtick,
a set of developed mannerisms, not a natural speech 
pattern at all. 

> ...which is why I find it puzzling that people around 
> him would embrace such a ridiculous affectation.

They probably think it makes him sound all "inner
silent" or enlightened or something. I've run across
this speech schtick in many New Agey orgs, not just
the TMO. 

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/111818

You are correct about the breathy, whispery thing,
and that Maharishi didn't speak that way. I was 
thinking more of the cadence and the pauses between
words and sentences and the way both used their
hands to punctuate things. Maharishi's had a flower
in it, but otherwise it was the same thing IMO. 

I get the feeling from his schtick that the guy feels 
he has attained some level of enlightenment or awakening,
but that he feels how FRAGILE and tenuous it is, so his
speech reflects his attempts to hold onto it. Either 
that or he's just another dick trying to sound like
what he thinks a holy guy sounds like. 

He should have just gone on a few Internet talk groups
and claimed to be all enlightened while demonstrating
how easily his buttons get pushed and then lashing out
at those who push them. Worked for Jim. :-)

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