Where do you think he fits in?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> >
> > From TMFree, apparently a graduate of MSAE who's got 
> > his own little thing going. Thoughts anyone?
> > 
> > http://youtu.be/T1V_JD9rODk
> Since you asked for "thoughts," here are mine.
> Clearly, people here ( especially the members of The
> Clique, who must have been saving up for a pile-on
> fest ) didn't think much of this guy's act.
> What struck me as *obvious*, and something that I 
> don't think any of the detractors seem to have noticed,
> is that his act -- meaning his way of speaking, the
> way he moves and talks, etc. -- is pure Maharishi. 
> The SAME people who creamed their jeans when Maharishi
> spoke and acted this way don't seem to like it when 
> someone else does it. Isn't that fascinating? 
> What they perceive as charlatanry in this guy is IMO
> remarkably like the act they fell for and followed
> for decades in a short, fat Indian guy, probably 
> because he was Indian and wearing a dhoti. 
> OF COURSE I agree with the detractors that this guy
> is a fruitcake. It's just that I'm more amused by
> the fact that those who piled onto him lack the
> discrimination to notice that most people in the
> world would react to *Maharishi* speaking exactly
> the same way they're reacting to this guy. It's the
> same act, after all. 
> They sound amazed that anyone would follow this guy,
> or pay to hear him speak. Well, that's how many of
> us feel when we hear TMers still talking about MMY
> as if he were special, or unique, or some sort of
> saint or holy man. 
> Before overreacting to this post and piling on ME,
> try going back and listening to this video again,
> but this time noticing the similarities in this guy's
> presentation to the way Maharishi used to speak on
> video, especially towards the end of his life when
> he was already heavily into his King Lear period. 
> Why is it OK and "the highest teaching" when Maharishi 
> did it, but charlatanry when this guy does it? Curious
> minds want to know...

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