--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > ...in a science-savvy world, these religious sci-fi concepts 
> > > > are to be expected. Believing that Marduk is an 
> > > > extraterrestrial is no stranger than believing in astrology 
> > > > or crystal healing.
> > > 
> > > I think you are taking this past where I was going initially. 
> > 
> > True, but with reason. It was *he* who took it further,
> > and you who failed to be able to follow where he took it. 
> > 
> > > I was talking about the particular post made by GN which cited 
> > > a particularly wild assertion by Sasha Lessin regarding the 
> > > Earth having been nuked by aliens a very long time ago. In 
> > > case you have lost the initial guffaw-inspired reaction you 
> > > no doubt had when first reading this little gem let me refresh 
> > > your memory:
> > > 
> > > "3,663 years ago, Yahweh, known then as Enlil, a 9 -12 foot 
> > > fully Homo Sapien ET from the Planet Nibiru, 49 astronomical 
> > > units from Earth, ordered nuclear attacks on the people and 
> > > cities south of the (thence) Dead Sea in Canaan and on a 
> > > spaceport he ran in Sinai. The fallout immediately blew over
> > > and killed most of the Sumerian Earthlings--those loyal to 
> > > Yahweh."
> > > 
> > > If you would like to continue to defend statements like these 
> > > as perfectly in line with other beliefs that run rampant among 
> > > the human race, be my guest. 
> > 
> > Salyavin was doing no such thing. He was EQUATING 
> > beliefs like this with beliefs in things like astrology
> > or crystal healing, saying (if I got what he was saying)
> > that these beliefs are in the SAME ballpark of crazy as
> > aliens nuking the planet 3,663 years ago. 
> > 
> > I agree with him. And that's not even venturing into
> > the realm of belief in things like a guy turning water
> > into wine or rising from the dead or Ganesha leaping
> > from mainland India to Ceylon or beings like Krishna,
> > Rama, and Sita ever having existed. Or that the direction 
> > a building faces affects you, or that by closing your
> > eyes and mentally repeating a Magic Word you've been
> > given, you can personally experience what Einstein
> > referred to as the Unified Field. 
> > 
> > ALL of these beliefs are fuckin' BONKERS, seen from the
> > point of view of someone -- anyone -- who has not spent
> > years or decades being indoctrinated into them. 
> > 
> > What I think you may have missed in Salyavin's post is
> > that he was making the case that the *extremity* of
> > this particular set of beliefs can be seen as a metaphor
> > for the extremity of ALL religious/spiritual beliefs,
> > if you just step back from them and view them critically,
> > devoid of pre-programmed acceptance. 
> > 
> > > But all I'm saying is that I am pretty sure that anyone 
> > > who would believe this particular theory isn't likely to 
> > > be having afternoon tea at my abode; I prefer not to hang 
> > > out with crazies.
> > 
> > Yet on this forum you "hang out" with people whose beliefs
> > are *just* as ludicrous, when seen without the overlay of
> > decades of indoctrination. You would be hanging out with
> > people just as crazy (from my point of view) if you hung
> > out with fundamentalist Christians, or orthodox Jews, or
> > Hindus or even some Southeast Asian flavors of Buddhists. 
> > 
> > Once they have bought into a belief system, they *lose
> > the ability to look at their beliefs critically, the way
> > someone who does not buy into them would*. The person
> > who came up with this jiveass horseshit about aliens
> > nuking the Middle East three millennia ago CANNOT SEE
> > 
> > Neither can anyone equally invested in *their* particular
> > belief system. They are so *used to* and *immersed in*
> > the belief system as to no longer be able to understand
> > how anyone else could not be. 
> > 
> > Now think about Fairfield Life. People regularly post the
> > same old propaganda here about "the latest TM research," 
> > and are AMAZED that people aren't creaming their jeans 
> > over it the way that they are. People post exhortations 
> > to "come back to the domes" to save the world, completely
> > unaware that to many of us, the idea of them bouncing on
> > their collective butts twice a day as a mechanism *for*
> > saving the world is JUST as insane as Yahweh nuking the 
> > Middle East three millennia ago. 
> > 
> > One *picks* the crazies one hangs out with, that's all.
> Hmm yes, nicely put. Tea at my place?

Next time I'm in the British Isles, definitely. :-)

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