The whole TM movement could take a page from political advisers consulting 
about the rehabilitation of public figures who mis-stepped.  Come out saying 
repeatedly you are sorry, that you are not that, ask for forgiveness, and move 
on.  Like the guy coming back from stupid scandal running for Mayor of New York 

Scandal is defined as "loss of or damage to reputation caused by actual or 
apparent violation of morality or propriety." Scandal is not the same as 
controversy, which implies two differing points of view, or unpopularity.

-Buck, the TM-running-dog of FFL

--- In, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@...> wrote:
> feste37:
> > No deal. I have no anger toward you. I just 
> > think it's pathetic to use this forum to 
> > accuse others of sexual immorality. You 
> > admit it's just gossip. You don't even know 
> > the man. An accusation like that makes you 
> > look bad, far more so than your intended 
> > target. It makes you look petty and vicious 
> > and self-righteous. Are you without sin, 
> > Duveyoung? If not, STFU about others.
> >
> Well, we don't know much about Edg's private
> sex life, if he has one. But, I don't see how
> a guy that's been working for free for the TMO
> 'for 29' years would have any money to defend
> himself, if he were sued for slander. 
> Is adultery even illegal in Iowa?
> > > Hey, let me double down:  I say it's 
> > > absolutely true that he was an  adulterer. 
> > > THERE, now let him sue me.  I got the money 
> > > and the time to rake him over the coals.  
> > > I bet I could get hundreds of witnesses.  
> > > It would be spectacular!  
> > > 
> > > And Fester, you gotta look at your anger 
> > > towards me as much as I have to look at my 
> > > anger toward
> > >

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