And BTW, you didn't answer my questions. Here, I'll repeat them for your 

 If you are now, finally, willing to admit that I did qualify the statements in 
that post, why did you whine to Barry that I had not done so? Even right down 
to denying I'd said the very words I did, in fact, say? What the hell were you 
thinking, and why has it taken you so long to acknowledge those falsehoods? Why 
have you been dancing all around your misdeeds, and even trying to blame me for 


 You didn't think your opinion carried any weight one way or the other, did 
you, Share?
Share insipidated:
 > Me too, turq. Except I probably wouldn't take Judy's detailed refutation 
 > seriously enough for her!


 On Monday, December 9, 2013 1:23 PM, TurquoiseB <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   --- In, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> Let's make this real simple so everyone understands:
> NOBODY cares that you're working from home and NOBODY cares if you're 
> posting here in between working for clients and NOBODY cares if you have 
> any clients and NOBODY cares if you post anything or not. NOBODY.

I dunno, Richard. I, for one, would love to see her come up with this "detailed 
refuation" she's been crowing about for so long. 

So, speaking in my capacity as "someone other than Xeno who takes Richard 
seriously enough to want a detailed refutation," I want one. 

Failure to produce one will prove Judy a liar, because she made that very offer 
just below. 

I expect exact quotes, URLs, and citations. Maybe even a bibliography and 
footnotes. :-)



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