On 1/14/2014 5:58 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
> Barry, Yo, you try so damned hard to be different, that you end up 
> looking like a shapeless blob of absolute conformity. *Trying* to be 
> cool, makes you anything *but* cool. You remind me of the poseurs my 
> daughter encounters in the City - All of the once hip accoutrements 
> you have, now stale bells, accompanying your song of desperate 
> existence. Nothing personal, dude - you are about as hip as a 
> cardboard box.
You nailed it. I'm used to wearing all kinds of different clothes. I 
used to wear dress shirts and slacks all the time. I wear suits to 
special functions like weddings and stuff. I could never understand the 
resistance to wearing a jacket and tie at SIMMS in Westwood and when 
presenting or initiating. People who work in business dress nice all the 
time. Only an idiot would show up at the work  dressed in cut-offs and 
rubber sandals, even if it was dress-down Friday.

But, the hippies who used to hang around the TM Center wanted to wear 
T-shirts and short pants. I think they all got asked to leave, or that 
their services were no longer needed. Go figure.

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