Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental Meditation as taught by His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin 
Crème and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission meditation is 
 " a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies 
that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of 
Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy 
centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner."

 Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form of meditation where the 
individual connects with the universal self. In Transmission meditation it 
seems like the other way around, an approach in co-operation with the Masters 
of Wisdom as a service for mankind.
 I've never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not work parallel in 
the life of a student. And as you probably know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very 
highly of Maharishi and the TM-technique. 
 Mr. Crème also pointed out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that 
have ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0, second only by 
Maitreya Himself.

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