Re "Well I thought "everybody" knew he was killed by the long-time effects of 
the injection the FBI/CIA gave him when he was 24 hrs in prison before he left 
the USA. That's what Osho himself claimed.":


 Osho thought he was a victim of thallium poisoning by the FBI. As thallium 
causes hair loss and Osho had a full head of hair when he died that was 
obviously not the case. His symptoms match those caused by N2O abuse. And the 
authorities didn't need to kill him - they got much more mileage by having him 
slowly transported across country in handcuffs being filmed by the TV networks. 
Osho's bedroom was also bugged (without his knowledge) by his own deputy Sheela 
- the police confiscated those recordings (do they still have them?) so could 
have released juicy audio clips any time they wanted to embarrass him further.

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