On 2/9/2014 9:38 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Um, after suddenly being thrust into what seemed to be Unity 
> Consciousness on that mountain, and then having Maharishi apparently 
> confirm it, why would Robin need to study the Scriptures? He was 
> living them.
Because, it's not prudent to just take someone's word for it - it would 
be also good to look it up in the dictionary or in the scriptures and to 
get a second opinion. If Robin had done that, he might have realized a 
lot sooner that he and MMY were both delusional.

It might be a good time to review MMY's definition of the states of 

     Waking consciousness
     Deep sleep
     Transcendental consciousness
     Cosmic consciousness
     God consciousness
     Unity consciousness


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