The purpose of studying scriptures is to integrate one's experience of 
enlightenment more completely. Also to smooth the process which I understand 
can be quite jarring. 

On Sunday, February 9, 2014 9:38 AM, "" 
<> wrote:
Um, after suddenly being thrust into what seemed to be Unity Consciousness on 
that mountain, and then having Maharishi apparently confirm it, why would Robin 
need to study the Scriptures? He was living them. (See my post with the SBAL 

he never appeared
interested in learning more - whether
about Catholic/Orthodox Christianity, Yogic Vedanta or
Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta.
I attribute this to a lack of genuine humility although he was
constantly espousing
a pseudo-humility.

Could anyone on this forum point out where Robin demonstrated any
knowledge about Indian Vedanta or Yoga other than basic TM practice
and TMer lingo? Apparently Robin was not very well-read in the Hindu

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