On 2/16/2014 2:38 PM, Share Long wrote:
> Are you telling us she's really a computer repair man?
Probably a "computer nerd" - rumor has it that Judy is pretty savvy 
about computers and computer software.

The newest contributors to JK's TM-Free blog are the alias "Michael H. 
Jackson" and the "Masked Zebra" - the computer repairman and the 
spiritual therapist. We don't know why they trolled over here to harass 
us on FFL and why Judy keeps enabling their bad behavior. You'd think 
she could do better than just babbling on and on about the MZ as if he 
was some kind of parody-posting, intellectual giant or God or something. 
At least the MJ guy isn't trying to trap us into believing in levitation 
events or mountainside enlightenment events - MJ seems to be a pretty 
sensible working guy, trying to support his family - not a cult leader 
posting trick parodies and trying to recruit some new members for his 
own cult of computer-nerds. Go figure.

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