Consciousness is created in the brain and there isn't any evidence to suggest 
otherwise. So there's a bit of faulty logic in thinking that "Someone" is need 
to maintain it as it would get along without us just fine. 

 --In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:


 I don't believe the creation of the universe was due to a random event.  
That's where Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss and other scientists have failed 
to understand.  They have failed to see the connection between consciousness 
and matter.  In simple terms, space exists because there is Someone who 
conceived of a length, width, and height and maintains this concept as time 

 A random quantum fluctuation could not possibly conceive and maintain this 
concept of space and time.  So, how can this random quantum fluctuation start 
and maintain the universe?

 IMO, the universe was started by a quantum wave function which contain the 
embedded information to create the Big Bang, light, space/time, the galaxies, 
stars, planets, one-celled organisms, living beings including plants, animals 
and human beings.  The DNA is part of the quantum wave function which gets 
triggered to create the higher forms of life culminating to human beings.

 ---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 John, I wish I could find a post from salyavin somewhat recently. It had to do 
with how life started, the combining of something with something else and it 
was a random happening, will never happen again kind of thing. Anyway, it 
speaks to this point about life and its pure randomness. But I also like the 
holographic idea. 

 On Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:14 PM, "jr_esq@..." <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of human 
beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe.  If this is 
so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such disparate 
places.  Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.

 Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these exoplanets, is 
it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their worlds?  At 
this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this happen.




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