> --- John <jr_esq@...> wrote:
 > Bhairitu, > 

 > IMO, human beings already have the physiology to inherit the earth, if not 
 > the universe.  The key to this inheritance is the ability to gain samadhi 
 > and to maintain it at the various lower states of consciousness.  A sloka in 
 > the Shiva sutras confirms this statement as well as the statements of MMY.

 > This is the reason why MMY stated that TMers can gain the support of Nature 
 > in all their activities.  IMO, he's saying that, in scientific terms, the 
 > human being who is able to function at the highest spacial dimension can 
 > attain an automatic command of Nature's operations.  As such, whatever he or 
 > she wishes and wants come true.  IOW, the highest spacial dimension is 
 > equivalent to the highest state of consciousness.

What MMY has told you is nonsense.

Even the highest spatial dimension is not the highest state 
of consciousness, but just an illusion.   Enlightenment is 
trancending into samadhi which is dimensionless.

I bet emptybill knows more than MMY.

BTW, are you the old do.rflex??

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