I could have answered this last night but as I often do decided to see how others responded to the idea or your question. My immediate response would have been the same as salyavin's: it gets us to reality.

But then their is Jr's interest in finding other humanoid species to communicate with. What about learning to communicate with the other intelligent species we have right here on earth? We know that dolphins and whales are very intelligent and I don't think they are our inferiors just because they don't build tall buildings or use computers (though given a proper interface they might). And then there was the news item the other day that dogs brains are wired like human brains. Or that cats see humans as just bigger cats. IOW, we are just beginning to understand our fellow creatures.

Or as a computer scientist I enjoy seeing the predictable discoveries made trying to create intelligent machines. Just the other day I was reading about the robots which can build something with minimal intelligence just emulating how termites build their mounds. I would take it a step further to say that insects are nothing more than organic machines. Or possibly further that animals may be nothing more than organic machines. And that would include humans. And finally that "God" may be nothing but something recognizable as a mathematical equation (and possibly a simple one) that due to it's formula just creates this illusion of "worlds."

Just sayin'.

On 02/23/2014 06:03 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote:

You are placing too much value on the human species. We are probably just a blip in Earth's history. A million years from now something else maybe better will have taken our place. They may only find fossils of our existence. So it goes.

Sure, and where does this theory get us?

    On 02/23/2014 05:14 PM, jr_esq@... <mailto:jr_esq@...> wrote:


I was thinking along the lines of life, including the existence of human beings, as a reflection of the abundance of life in the universe. If this is so, then what are the mechanisms for making this happen at such disparate places. Perhaps the holographic theory of the universe may be true.

Also, even if we can detect the existence of humanoids in these exoplanets, is it possible for us to communicate with them or even visit their worlds? At this time, our technology is not advanced enough to make this happen.

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