You aren't an authority on Hinduism, but you know for a fact that a billion 
Hindus agree with you? 

 You aren't an authority on Hinduism, but you know exactly what you're talking 


 Michael, you're really crashing and burning here, making it all too clear how 
closed your mind is to any ideas that aren't perfectly in accord with yours. 
You won't even open your mind far enough to find out why people are telling you 
something you're convinced isn't true. You've decided nobody here can possibly 
know any more than you do about the nature of Hinduism. Yet you say you aren't 
an authority on Hinduism--and you don't see the contradiction.

 You were seriously mistaken to claim the idea that Hinduism is a philosophy 
comes only from MMY. Is there anything else you could possibly, conceivably be 
mistaken about?

 You're smarter than you're making yourself look. You're stuck in some kind of 
blind spot that doesn't reflect well on you at all.


 You, noozgu and auth all get together, go to Hindu temple, tell them their 
religion is not a religion - then come here and yap. I am not the authority on 
Hinduism, ask a Hindu priest. 1 billion Hindus agree with me.
 On Wed, 3/26/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... <steve.sundur@... 
mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant 
 Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 1:22 PM

 Michael, Michael, are just completely blind.  Here you
 are arguing, "I am the authority, listen to me",
 and that is what you are accusing me of doing. I believe
 that fallacy is called, "appeal to authority". Now
 someone just pointed out that there is a rather large
 spectrum of belief, but you are, as if, touching one part of
 the elephant and declaring it to be the final word. hooboy.
  Is a mirror handy?
 and thanks for the mandatory tie in to TM bashing.  No
 post of yours would be complete without
 ya though. 
 wrote :
 you are looking in
 the mirror as you say that - I know exactly what I am
 talking about. I don't know what affiliation you and
 noozguru have had with the TMO but you are displaying the
 exact same kind of hubris and arrogance the TMO has
 displayed for nearly 60 years. "Oh, I know better than
 everyone else about the entire world, including the religion
 of a billion people. I know it better than they do cause of
 my specialized knowledge from me oh so very special
 guru." Stay arrogant, as is our tradition. And instead
 of reviling what I have proposed, take it seriously. Really,
 go to a Hindu temple just before their worship service and
 tell them you are there to explain to them how their
 religion is not a religion. 
 On Wed, 3/26/14, steve.sundur@...
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure
 willfully arrogant stupidity
 Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 3:48 AM

 how it generally works Michael.  When shown to be in
 error, just double down, or triple down on the error.
  You have no idea what you're talking about, and
 you're trying the "baffle with bullshit"
 wrote :
 you are both
 full of it - if you are going to stick to this assertion,
 try it out - you don't even have to go to India - go to
 your local Hindu temple, waltz in and tell the priests they
 are not really priests, they are just philosophers. Tell
 worshipers they are not actually worshiping their gods and
 goddesses, they are just practicing philosophy. People
 don't generally kill each other over philosophy, but
 they damn sure do over religion. Muslims get killed in
 not because they insult a philosophy but because they have
 insulted the a religion, or some aspect of the religion. If
 Hinduism was a philosophy it would be called one rather
 one of the worlds MAJOR RELIGIONS - but I guess you two
 better than a billion Hindus and 5,000 years or so of a
 religion's existence. You assertion is one of the most
 absurd contentions I have seen on FFL and that's saying

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