The comments section is well worth reading, esp the long one from John:

The origin of the TM Bija mantras (seed sounds) are to be found in the so 
called “Hoda Chakra” which is printed and reprinted in virtually all the 
published astrological almanachs in India. The Hoda Chakra lists 108 seed 
sounds, each one allotted to the 4 padas of the 27 star constellations 
(Nakshatras).All this is well known in India. Mostly it is used in the 
selection of Names,based on the Moon’s position in a particular Nakshatra Pada. 
In an advanced version of the TM, this astrological information (position of 
the Moon at birth) is used also for selecting the seed sounds.Actually, what is 
known and practiced as the TM is part of the a large and complex system. 
Perhaps less than 1% of this has filtered through the contemporary TM movement.

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