Barry seems to be fantasizing that Lawson is a continuous presence on FFL, when 
in fact he only drops in once in a while for relatively short visits. As to 
starting discussions elsewhere and then inviting FFLers to participate, he's 
done that exactly twice that I can recall. 

 As to whether the above behavior conveys "nonstop fanaticism" to anyone but 
Barry, I'll leave that for others to decide.


 Lawson, I think we all "get it" that you're a "TM science" junkie, and that 
you believe that "the science says it all" when it comes to TM. Well, as you've 
noticed, not everyone on this forum (including many long-term TMers) thinks 
that the "TM science" is solid enough to prove much of anything.  

 The point I am making lately is that you seem unaware of a more pressing 
criterion that people use when evaluating non-stop claims about the "TM 
science." That is, what IS it that motivates someone to do it non-stop?

 Judging from your own posts here, what YOU seem to see as one of your primary 
ways to have fun is to try to start arguments about TM and its supposed science 
on Reddit and on other Internet forums. When these threads you post as 
argument-starters don't pan out the way you want them to, you tend to come back 
here to FFL and beg other people to go to these other forums to "join in."

 Doesn't this strike you as somewhat...uh...ODD behavior for a grown man? 
Doesn't it strike you as a bit...uh...fanatical? Doesn't it make you wonder 
about the person whose life seems to revolve around doing this, when there are 
so many other things to do with life? Doesn't it make you wonder about the 
claims that TM helps to make a person more "well-rounded" or "balanced" in life?

 Hint: the "TM science" ain't ever gonna "prove" diddley-squat if the people 
presenting it over and over and over and over and over in an obviously 
compulsive manner come across as cult fanatics. People are going to be tempted 
to weigh the messenger as much as they weigh the message. And in my opinion, 
they should. 


 From: "LEnglish5@..." <LEnglish5@...>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Mantras - Source?


 Maharishi chose to use a subset of the mantras that are available,.presumably 
because his intuition said it was a sufficiently large subset to be useful.

 Upcoming research on TM using advanced EEG analysis should help make it more 
clear what it means to be "useful."

 In the meantime, the TM organization is apparently embracing Alaric 
Arenander's idea that TM centers should start to do public demos of EEG 
coherence as part of introductory lectures on TM.

 Here's the main excerpt of the Maharishi Global Family Chat presentation he 


 The EEG shown in the video looks to be pretty darned unusual. Certainly, 
looking at the EEG described  in papers published about other meditation 
practices, it is inescapable to conclude that the EEG found in long-term TMers 
and long-term practitioners of other techniques are as different as night and 
day with respect to what starts to show up the longer one has been practicing 
the various techniques.

 TM really IS different than other practices that have been studied, with 
respect to EEG.

 TM researchers aren't able to get guys like Dietrich Lehmann and Roberto 
Pascual-Marqui to participate (or so the rumor goes) in multiple EEG studies on 
advanced TMers  because they're excessively charismatic or something.

 These guys are teh very tip-top in their field. If these guys decide to study 
something, it is because they think it is interesting and unusual, both.






---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Did I not say that beej mantras are commonly used in astrology not to mention 
ayurveda?  But few westerners had penetrated that information back with MMY 
started TM.  Funny thing it is not uncommon to find that people's names start 
with the sound associated with their  birth star (nakshatra) even if they are 
westerners and their parents knew nothing about astrology.  
 As Graffitiswami might say: Go figure.
 On 03/30/2014 07:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   The comments section is well worth reading, esp the long one from John:
 The origin of the TM Bija mantras (seed sounds) are to be found in the so 
called “Hoda Chakra” which is printed and reprinted in virtually all the 
published astrological almanachs in India. The Hoda Chakra lists 108 seed 
sounds, each one allotted to the 4 padas of the 27 star constellations 
(Nakshatras).All this is well known in India. Mostly it is used in the 
selection of Names,based on the Moon’s position in a particular Nakshatra Pada. 
In an advanced version of the TM, this astrological information (position of 
the Moon at birth) is used also for selecting the seed sounds.Actually, what is 
known and practiced as the TM is part of the a large and complex system. 
Perhaps less than 1% of this has filtered through the contemporary TM movement.




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