The path of enlightenment ends in a number of ways. One can get tired of it and 
just drop the whole thing out of disinterest. One can die or become mentally 
incapacitated. And there are two forms of disillusionment. One is it didn't 
work out as expected, with a feeling of grave disappointment resulting from the 
discovery that it was not nearly as good as one believed it would be or worse. 
The other is it didn't work out as expected, but the disillusionment is the 
kind that was originally intended by the word enlightenment, and then things 
are pretty much as they always were, and OK. It seems to me MJ is pissed and 
has a long term grudge because he was fired from MIU for not going to the dome, 
and that not going to the dome had a valid medical reason. Most employees in 
the United States work 'at will' which means that a person can be fired for any 
reason that is not illegal. MJ's firing seems to be in an interesting grey area 
legally, and it probably could not have been fleshed out without a lawsuit to 
test the case. Most people on staff in the movement though, as 'serfs', do not 
have the resources to challenge the movement's sometimes bizarre decisions. 
Going to the dome as a condition of employment, regardless of the 
unsupportability of the hypothesis for going there, and yet being exposed to 
hazardous substances there that require medical intervention would be an 
interesting test case. As with everyone else, people working and administering 
in cults and other peculiar organisations are just getting through the day. If 
they do strange and dark things, they probably do not see it that way at all, 
they are just getting though another day with whatever resources are available 
to them. Sometimes the mind cannot let go even when the situation is clear it 
is never going to be resolved the way we would like. Usually one is miserable 
in such a situation. 

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