We pretty much know what happened the last time people in S.C. openly
carried guns in public.

And, we are getting an idea of what goes on there now.



On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Michael Jackson <mjackso...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Come to the Deep South sometime - I assure you there are PLENTY of people
> who absolutely believe that open carry is an excellent idea and they are
> not shy about expressing their feelings on the subject. Be prepared to be
> denounced as a communist if you disagree with them.
> --------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 4/23/14, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Saatva in Georgia
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 5:57 PM
> I'm all for
> people's right to own a gun
> (not necessarily automatics though).  But I'm
> beginning to wonder
> if the "open carry" people are being used to
> create a situation
> that people will react favorably to banning guns?
> After all who
> wants to live in communities where people walk around
> with guns on
> their belts all the time?  It's bad enough with
> the cops doing
> that.
> On 04/23/2014 09:18 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Georgia Governor to Sign Sweeping Gun Bill
> 8:29 AM ET
> Radical new gun legislation due to be signed
> into law on
> Wednesday will allow licensed owners to carry
> guns in more
> public places than ever before, as places like
> churches
> can opt in to permit the weapons and bars can
> opt out if
> they want them banned
> Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal will sign into law
> Wednesday
> radical new gun legislation that will allow
> licensed
> owners to carry firearms into more public
> places than at
> any time in the past century, including
> government
> buildings, bars, and a wide variety of public
> places.
> The law, called the “Safe Carry Protection
> Act,” allows
> churches to “opt-in” to permit weapons,
> school districts
> to appoint staff carrying firearms, and
> requires bars to
> opt out if they wish to ban firearms, NBC
> reports. Gun
> owners caught at airport security checkpoints
> can pick up
> their weapons and leave with no criminal
> penalty.
> Critics have called the new legislation the
> “Guns
> Everywhere Bill,” and gun control groups
> including
> Americans for Responsible Solutions and Mayors
> Against
> Illegal Guns have strongly criticized the
> bill, as has the
> executive director of the Georgia Association
> of Chiefs of
> Police, Frank Rotondo. “Police officers do
> not want more
> people carrying guns on the street,” said
> Rotondo,
> “particularly police officers in inner city
> areas.”
> Proponents of the law say, however, that it
> strengthens
> the Second Amendment and will make people
> safer. “When we
> limit a Georgian’s ability to carry a weapon
> — to defend
> themselves — we’re empowering the bad
> guys,” said Georgia
> state Rep. Rick Jasperse, who introduced the
> bill.
> Eight states have loosened gun regulations
> since the
> massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown,
> Conn. in
> December 2012, while 10 states have
> strengthened
> regulations, according to the Law Center to
> Prevent Gun
> Violence

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