From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Xeno, if you check your folders, fluffy and otherwise, you'll discover that 
indeed Curtis has written 2 posts about this in the last 24 hours. I simply 
referred Richard to them.

Share, read what Curtis actually said and how he tried to engage Tex and then 
see how any attempt at discussion was rebuffed in favour of mailcious abuse.
I know you try and see the good in everyone but surely even you can tell now 
that Willytex is just here to cause trouble. It's all he's ever done, as far as 
I can see he has no redeeming features whatsoever.
Can you therefore stop encouraging him. He's a troll, he's got nothing 
constructive to say and he should join the gang at JimboWorld if he dislikes us 
so much but I doubt they'd want him as all he does is try and piss people off. 
Some life of spiritual development huh?

I have to agree with Salyavin here, Share. If you really can't see what's going 
on with Richard after these recent exchanges, there actually may be something 
seriously wrong with YOU.
Sal's phrase "he has no redeeming features whatsoever" may be the key to it. He 
has been a troll from Day One, when he first appeared on 
alt.meditation.transcendental. Over there he did exactly the same thing -- 
posting excessively and intentionally trying to disrupt any conversations just 
as they were starting to get interesting. 

I developed a theory about him back then, which I still hold today. He's 
JEALOUS of the "good conversations," because he's afraid that he can't really 
participate in them. Back on a.m.t. he was always horrifically jealous of TM 
teachers because he'd never become one, and was pissed off that because of the 
hierarchy of the movement they always treated him as "lesser" than they were. I 
don't think he ever got over that. 

Judging from the stories he's told over the years, and how they contradict one 
another, I don't think he's EVER managed to study with a real, live spiritual 
teacher or be part of any organized spiritual teaching. He's always been a 
loner whose "spiritual path" was only in his head, driven by JEALOUSY of the 
people who were accepted into such groups when he never was and had actual real 
spiritual adventures. 

He feels inadequate to really join in with sophisticated discussions here 
because he feels he doesn't have the real background to do so. (And in this he 
is correct.) So what he does instead is find stuff on Wikipedia or elsewhere on 
the Internet and post it as if he wrote it, and use that to imply that he 
*would* know enough to participate, if he really cared to. In reality, he never 
engages because he knows that if he did everyone would figure out that he's a 
spiritual know-nothing within a few posts. 

So because he feels "shut out" of these conversations, he does everything he 
can think of to derail them and take them off-line into personality conflicts 
and irrelevant crap. He's *panicking* right now, because almost all of the 
people he'd fooled into thinking there might be something to him besides 
vindictive jealousy are leaving this forum. He knows that he would never fit in 
over on The_Peak because he would be expected there to actually have something 
intelligent to say, and he really doesn't. He knows that they'd figure out very 
quickly what a spiritual lightweight he really is, so he doesn't dare 

So he's having a meltdown here -- making literally hundreds of posts, trying 
everything he possibly can to disrupt things. I honestly don't understand how 
Rick has stood for this as long as he has, but it's his forum so it's his call, 
and there is nothing the rest of us can do about it but to try to ignore 
Richard and carry on. 

That's my current plan. All of his posts are still routed directly to my Trash 
Bin. Every so often I scan through the list of posts on Neo and through quotes 
of his in other people's posts that other people cite, just to see whether he's 
"crossed the line" from merely crazy and abusive to outright libel (and thus 
criminal action). The day he does that -- calling me or other people here 
something that is intended to harm them in the real world -- I will have the 
cops on his ass so fast it will make his head spin. Until then, I can't really 
do anything but ignore him and suggest to other people that they do the same. 

He really isn't sane. Pity him if you want, but don't be taken in by his game. 
EVERY time in almost twenty years someone has done that and gotten somewhat 
close and friendly with him, he has just waited a few weeks or months and then 
turned on them, too. He'll do that with you, too, Share. Curtis and I are 
trying to warn you about a train wreck that we can see coming and you can't. 

    • Re: [Fairf... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
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