---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 I'm still a meditator (2x daily for 20 minutes since 1975).  Used to do the 
Siddhis, but the time investment got way to large for the return.  Does this 
put me in the TB camp.  Fine.  I don't really care one way or the other. 

This topic came up a few years ago over on Google Groups. There should be a 
note posted to FFL that being a "True Believer" has not been established. But, 
the subject is often discussed and usually is taken to mean a belief in yogic 

So, who is a TB? Obviously the TurqoiseB is a "TB", since he believes in human 
levitation - suspension in mid air with no physical means of support. Go figure.

We all have beliefs, but the term in this context really means just one thing: 
a belief in the perfectibility of man, or enlightenment - the possibility of 
rising above human suffering through right knowledge. 

The catch is that if a person believes only in the material existence and 
rejects the spiritual, he or she then loses everything and relapses into 
nihilism. For is the material world is but an illusion and not real - you 
reject the spiritual, you have nothing.

 Lately, I'm here for the book, film and tv recommendations since this is a 
pretty damn smart group in spite of the histrioncs.

There are some pretty smart informants on FFL but apparently not very many 
actually read books, at leas so far as I can tell. Rita doesn't like me 
commandeering the TV remote control and laying on the couch for hours at a time 
watching TV and movies. When we do watch a show it's usually family time. I 
guess the other guys go up to their bedroom and watch downloaded movies they 
get from Pirate Bay, but I'm just not into onanism. LoL!

I've been mostly a lurker here over the years and I would hvae to agree that 
the state of forum has sadly declined.  Some issues really get my goat and so I 
speak up.  Free speech is one.  The right to know is another.  I see a general 
decline in civility everywhere these days, though, not just here...

There is orchestrated trend right now to try to smear by association.  It's a 
very old trick, but folks still use it because it works....

Here are some great quotes from some of the resident informants:

"Try not to be a cunt." 

"what exactly is a tosser other than being like Willy?" 

"You are a dishonest malicious troll and I wish you would join the rest of your 
kind on the other site."

"Share, unless you are intentionally trying to appear dumber than a bucket of 


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