No, it's just that you are both are incapable of understanding Feste's point. 

 The philosophies you've embraced display an certain arrogance of science.

 To understand Feste's point would require a degree of discrimination which you 
have chosen to numb.

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <>
 ---In, <> wrote :

 You certainly seem to have a high opinion of "science." Science has given us 
many wonderful things but there are also many things it cannot explain.

 Can you give us an example of something it "cannot" explain, as opposed to 
something it just doesn't have an explanation for yet?

 Of the latter there are many but there always were and problems always seem to 
get solved eventually. It depends how much effort is being put in. To not have 
a high opinion of the scientific method because it hasn't already answered all 
questions is a bit silly when you consider the track record.

 I think what Feste is objecting to is that science balks at giving him the 
"easy answers" he's grown used to from religion and from the TMO. 


 Easy answers are...uh...easy, because their purpose is not to actually answer 
any questions. Their purpose is to shut the questioners up and keep them from 
asking more questions. 

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