OK August 29th, 1956 8:23 am born Greenwood, SC which is 34.1897° N, 82.1547° W
So what does my chart indicate I would be "good at" (other than criticizing 
TM). I am asking as a pronounced skeptic.

      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 1:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Maybe this is why things get so screwed up?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Sal, can you post an article about afield of science you know something about 
so we can discuss it andask you question about? 
Eh? I thought I already had 
 What fields of science are you expertin?  Your horoscope looks like you might 
be good at real estate(loaded fourth house) but that's not exactly a science.
Real estate, is that buying and selling houses? Not really, maybe more than 
some due to trades I've done but it's all just about being practical, it isn't 
something that engages me or that I'd go out of my way to take part in. And I 
hate all the bloody property shows on TV, I can't believe so many people are so 
incompetent and lacking in common sense. Still, idiots make better TV...
As far as scientific interests go, you know what I like. I don't posts 
prehistoric stuff just because Dinosaurs look cool. Well, mostly I don't...
And I don't post things that I don't understand in case someone does ask me a 
question. I post stuff because I find it interesting.
Are you trying to get at me about something?

 On 03/02/2015 10:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

You certainly seem to havea high opinion of "science." Science has given us 
manywonderful things but there are also many things itcannot explain.
Can you give us an example of something it"cannot" explain, as opposed to 
something it justdoesn't have an explanation for yet?
Of the latter there are many but there alwayswere and problems always seem to 
get solvedeventually. It depends how much effort is being putin. To not have a 
high opinion of the scientificmethod because it hasn't already answered 
allquestions is a bit silly when you consider the trackrecord.
As for things it can't explain, I don'tbelieve we will ever come across an 
unsolvableproblem. The universe and everything in it is made ofstuff. Stuff is 
understandable therefore the universethe universe is understandable.
It will be interesting to be proved wrong onthis one.

 However, this does notmean that those things are untrue or false. There 
aremore things in heaven and earth, as Hamlet famously saysto Horatio, than are 
dreamt of in your philsophy. Isuspect that you actually know this very well, 
and thatyour apparent adherence to "science" is more of a posethan anything 
else. You were a spiritual seeker allthose years and now you are telling me you 
don't believesomething because "science" tells you it is not so? Isuspect your 
"atheism" is also something of a pose, butthat's another story. 

Feste:As far aswhat science says about astrology, I couldn't careless. If 
sciencesays astrology is rubbish, that it cannot be true,etc. etc., 
thatdirectly contradicts my own experience, repeated manytimes over half 
alifetime. So I go with my own experience. I would be afool not to. 

Turquoise: No,you would be a True Believer, ready to preferyour own 
subjectiveexperience no matter what, and never evenconsider the possibility 
thatit could have been mistaken -- even if scienceshows that it could verywell 
be. I can understand that, but I cannotrespect it.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From:feste37 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

 I'mnot sure what you mean by"normal TM elitist." When I saidthat the 
astrologer HowardSasportas also happened to be aTM teacher, I certainly did 
notmean that that automaticallymade him better than others. Itwas just a piece 
of informationabout him, that's all. Sometimesyou read things that aren'tthere. 

I don'tthink so. I wasn'treferring to Sasportasas all, and in factneither his 
name nor anyreference you made tohim registered to me atall...I've never 
heardof the guy. I wasreferring to a*recurring* sense ofelitism that I 
haveperceived in you and in*most* long-term TMers,exemplified instatements like 
"I'msorry for thesescientific types whoseminds are so closed. Iwonderwhether 
any of them haveever had their natalchart done by acompetentastrologer. I 
woulddoubt it." That'selitism. You *look down*on those who don't agreewith you. 
Another aspectof elitism, to an evengreater degree, is, "Ihave studied it, 
youhave not," which asSalyavin pointed outwasn't even said byIssac Newton 
aboutastrology. You say thisa different way in yourlast statement below.  

For therecord, I *have noproblem* with yourstatements about havinglearned much 
aboutyourself from astrology.That's your concern.Mine is just that as ameans of 
prediction,it's utterly andcompletely useless. Itspredictive value hasnever and 
will never beproven in any kind ofscientific context inwhich the astrologersare 
blinded from meetingtheir clients (and thus"cold-reading" them) andprevented 
from makinggeneralized"predictions" that wouldapply to anyone. Anotheraspect of 
what I call"TM elitism" is thatlong-term TMers tend tobelieve pretty much*what 
they were told tobelieve* by Maharishi,and seem incapable ofchallenging 
orquestioning it.  
Wewill have to agree to differabout astrology. 

That'sfine with me. 

There'sfar more to it than intuition.

Idon't think so. 
AsI explained to Sal, thereadings I had were not "vaguegeneralities." They 
wereprecise and accurate, and theyvery much related to me as aspecific 
individual. You musthave either seen some badastrologers or have been solacking 
in self-insight thatyou didn't recognize yourselfin what they told you. 

Eitherthat, or you are likeall of those collegestudents in the famousexperiment 
who wereall given the exactsame horoscope to readand told that it wasdone for 
thempersonally. When thereal nature of theexperiment wasrevealed to them, 
overhalf refused tobelieve that it wastrue. Even when theycompared 
the"readings" they'd beengiven line for lineand found themidentical, a 
fewrefused to believe itand thought thatsomeone had switchedthem to play a 
trickon them. I think thatit's more likely thatyou bought intogeneralities and 
atthis point you don'twant to even admit thepossibility that theyweren't 
generalities.But I have no interestin arguing withyou...believe what youwant. 

By theway, that "lacking inself-insight" wasanother elitist slam.One might 
suggest thatYOU are so lacking inself-insight that youdon't even realizewhen 
you're being anelitist. 

Iremember hearing that MMY saidthat the only purpose ofastrology was to predict 

I haveheard the samething...that he saidthat. That is what Idispute. I don't 
thinkastrology is of *anyuse whatsoever* topredict the future. 

Idon't think he cared at allabout developing anunderstanding of the"relative" 
self, since hepromoted transcendence of it.But I have to disagree withhim over 
that. To me,predicting the future has beenthe least important aspect 

That'sfair, and I have noissue with you feelingthat way.   

---infairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com,<turquoiseb@...> wrote :

On the contrary, I will step up to the plate and giveFeste adetailed (andlong) 
answerfrom my POV,largelybecause Ithink he wastrying *not*to bemean...just 
anormal TMelitist. ("Wecan't help itif theseskeptics don'tknow as muchas we 
do.") :-)
  From: "Michael 
 I'llstep aside andwait for Salto answer thisone - anythingI say wouldjust 

  From: feste37<no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 Inmy experienceover the past35 years, andI have said soon this boardmore 
thanonce,astrology isthe best toolforself-understandingthat thereis—at 
least,the best Ihave found. 

Feste will probably be surprised to learn that I agreewith him 
--thatastrology,usedcorrectly, canbe a tool 
forself-analysisandself-understanding.But so cantarot cards.So can"reading 
tealeaves." Socan diviningthe future byexamining therecently-removedentrails of 
ananimal. *In myopinion*, inALL of thesecases it ispossible for aperson to 
gainvaluableglimpses intothe lives ofthemselves orothers via anyof 

BUT, I would also say that IMO the "tools" have nothingwhatsoever todo with 
whatthey "see" orwhat they"learn" exceptby acting as atrigger to setoff their 
ownintuition. Theastrologycharts don'tdodiddleysquat,and contain 
nousefulinformation.The tea leaveslikewise don'tdo diddley,and as for 
theentrails,well, they'rejust a bigsteaming pileof internalorgans. Howall of 
thesethings "work"IMO is thatthey *trick*thepractitionerinto accessingtheir 

Think of it in terms of Disney's "Dumbo." Dumbo theelephant hadhuge ears, 
andafter hisfriend gavehim a magicfeather tohold in histrunk, hecould flyusing 
them.But, afterenjoyingflying a lot,his friendfinally toldhim that itwas a 
normalold turkeyfeather, andthat the onlyreason hecould flywhile holdingit 
andcouldn't flybefore wasthat he*believed* hecould if hewas holding onto  
the"magic"feather. Well,that is how Ithinkastrology,tarot, readingtea 
leaves,and readingthe steamingentrails oflemurs"works." Theyare psychictricks 
thatthepractitionersof these"arts" play onthemselves totrigger theirown 
latentintuition andkickstart itinto working.

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