On 03/03/2015 10:19 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Sal, can you post an article about a field of science you know something about so we can discuss it and ask you question about?

Eh? I thought I already had

What fields of science are you expert in? Your horoscope looks like you might be good at real estate (loaded fourth house) but that's not exactly a science.

Real estate, is that buying and selling houses? Not really, maybe more than some due to trades I've done but it's all just about being practical, it isn't something that engages me or that I'd go out of my way to take part in. And I hate all the bloody property shows on TV, I can't believe so many people are so incompetent and lacking in common sense. Still, idiots make better TV...

The 4th house rules properties and conveyances, the heart and formal education. Your ascendant ruler is in the 4th as is your income house and the planet ruling losses. But Libra ascendants tend to be artsy so the 4th house spin might be along that line. Libras also like to argue amongst themselves, sorta that scales thing.

As far as scientific interests go, you know what I like. I don't posts prehistoric stuff just because Dinosaurs look cool. Well, mostly I don't...

And I don't post things that I don't understand in case someone does ask me a question. I post stuff because I find it interesting.

If I had you look at the sky on a clear night could you point out Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury?

Are you trying to get at me about something?

Just chatting.

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