Awww, what say les give Doug a chance. 

Heck , he hasn't banned me for calling Marshy (well deserved) names so he's ok 
in my book. 

Besides, Rick has promised to tan his hide if he crosses that moderator line.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 12:36 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show
    Doug Hamilton has volunteered to moderate and to limit his moderation to 
ensuring adherence to Yahoo’s guidelines and no more. 

He will not moderate with his puritanical Buck alter-ego.

Click on the link below to see a sample of how Doug Hamilton has commonly used  
FFL over the years. This is from a few weeks ago.  Posts such as this are 
interspersed with incessant whining about how FFL is inappropriately run. 

In the hiring business, a common phrase is "Hire for attitude, train for 
skill".  Well, I doubt if there will be any training for skill in this 
moderator position. Based on my observations of his approach to FFL, I don't 
see that Doug has either the attitude or the capacity to 'moderate' himself or 

However, the deed is done, and I guess only time will tell. 

Fairfield Life 
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interest to seekers (and finders) of truth and liberation everywhere. 
Fairfield, Iowa is home to Maharishi University of Mana...    |    |
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 ---In, <rick@...> wrote 
 From: [] 
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show  We sat over this 
together in church the other day.  It will be fine. –JaiGuruYouIt was a 
wedding. Ordinarily you wouldn’t find me in church. Almost daily, various 
people urge me to moderate FFL or get someone to do it. With BatGap and my 
other responsibilities, I don’t have the time. I believe in very minimal 
moderation, at least for FFL. I think the “anything goes” nature of it has 
contributed to its success and longevity. But I think we are obligated to at 
least abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. Theoretically, frequent violation of those 
guidelines could get the group shut down. Doug Hamilton has volunteered to 
moderate and to limit his moderation to ensuring adherence to Yahoo’s 
guidelines and no more. He will not moderate with his puritanical Buck 
alter-ego. I know some will bristle at what they perceive as a restriction of 
their freedom of speech, but different types of speech are appropriate in 
different contexts, and again, in the context of a Yahoo group, we are 
obligated to abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. So I’m going to try this and see how 
it goes. If Doug abuses his authority and/or fails to moderate fairly and 
objectively, I will revoke his moderator status.  

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :Sad news.  Might I 
propose, before Doug starts banning people, that you and Rick insist on a few 
guidelines for *him* when he does this.  I'm suggesting this because I think 
everyone here is aware that Doug is...uh...not quite in touch with reality 
these days, and tends to see things that aren't really there.  So what I 
suggest is that if he is indeed given the power to ban someone, he cannot do so 
without reposting *the exact post* that Doug feels is in violation of the Yahoo 
Guidelines, and without explaining to the group *exactly why* he thinks this 
poster needs to be banned.  Otherwise, you know what's going to happen. Doug 
will just ban the people he doesn't like, without telling *anyone*, and they'll 
just fall off the radar because they can't post any more, either to complain or 
to defend themselves.  I think we all know that a tyrant has just been handed 
the keys to the kingdom. I think we also all know what he will do with them. 
I'm just suggesting a procedure that insures he can't do it in secret.  From: 
"j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 2:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show  As is typically the case 
these days, I am completely out of the loop with respect to Rick's handling of 
FFL. Doug's posts this morning piqued my curiosity, and it turns out that Rick 
made Doug a moderator yesterday afternoon. I have no idea what Doug is supposed 
to do in terms of enforcement. As for me, my role will not change. 
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :Thanks R-V, I 
appreciate the perspective of your enlightened high-minded empathy in 
experience for the well-being of FFL.   

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :Cute. When do 
you get to be a full moderator for this site, Doug? Is this your first official 
attempt? It seems you are practicing with me, or something, given the plethora 
of more meaningful targets available. Regardless, I wish you all the best in 
your new role... ---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote 
:'Don't be Unkind'. The Yahoo-groups guidelines are really quite enlightened in 
their guidance.  For instance, “If one is constantly negative, one is heading 
towards trouble. By negative thinking, feeling and acting one creates dark 
patches and muddy colors in the aura which, in turn, prevent the flow of God's 
creative energy from reaching him. Without the light of God, the body starts of 
manifest various imbalances and one's health and lifespan is compromised. 
Turning to vitamins, minerals and excess sunlight does not help because the 
body is primarily sustained by cosmic current.” -Charles Lutes,  Will and 
Desire, 5/3/91  

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :Alex, before 
you and Rick sprain your wrists patting yourselves on the back for creating a 
"free speech zone", you must be aware that, contrary to the thousands of forums 
on Yahoo Groups, yours is not in compliance with the guidelines. Nothing to be 
proud of.  The guidelines are not arbitrary. They are put in place to foster 
discussion, about anything. If you and Rick decide hands off, there is no 
unambiguous solution to trolling on this forum. That is why the majority of the 
forums, mine included, adhere to the guidelines set out by Yahoo Groups. Rick's 
and yours don't, and that is no occasion for congratulations. 
---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :Thanks. 
From the very start, FFL was intended as a free speech zone. When Rick asked me 
to be a moderator, the job description was to handle subscriptions, keep out 
spammers, and make sure there's no porn or other content that would get FFL 
categorized as an adult group, where it would be much less visible on the 'net. 
For a time, I was also tasked with enforcing the moronic posting limit.
WRT colloidal silver, I would only add that it should not be taken on a regular 
basis, and even at 20 PPM, no more than 6oz should be taken per day.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :J Alexander 
Stanley is supposed to be the moderator, but he mostly is busy making colloidal 
silver and cooking meat at low temps for a loooooong time (wish I had some 
now). Personally I like his post on what he cooks better than I would any 
moderation stuff. And I appreciated him giving me the info on his silver maker. 
So thus far, I am quite pleased at the moderate role J Alexander plays as 
moderator. From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Peep Show   

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :Moderation 
ain't working, Doug, or haven't you noticed? There basically is NO moderation 
on this forum. Rick has encouraged us all to ponder these deep questions, but 
when it attracts trolls, he bails. No problem now that I have adjusted, but 
let's please not act as if someone is EVER going to do anything per the Yahoo 
Guidelines here. It is imo a useless thing to bring up at this point. I thought 
you left? Left to start a group with moderation? Why not stay there if you 
can't cope with being here? Why the endless whining? Is it some sort of denial 
of service for the people who actually like it here? Are you on some sort of 
mission to save us from ourselves? You are the irritating troll, do you 
understand? You and your mates who also never contribute anything. Go away. 
Nothing is going to change here because we like chatting and having fun. Go 
away and stop spoiling it. You and your mates are tedious beyond words. Go 
away.  You are the trolls. Go away.  
---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :It is true the 
original post by Turqb was the meme of a slur in violation of the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines and should have been moderated simply then by the group owner.  
Moderation is simple to do, either ask someone to withdraw/delete such a post 
themselves or a moderator remove it and suspend the perp's membership posting 
privilege.   Either-or. Ask the person for some self-restraint and if they 
don't come right through then clip their membership privilege. The Yahoo-groups 
guidelines are quite reasonable.  -JaiGuruYou!     

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :From: 
"reverse_archery@... [FairfieldLife]" <>To: 
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Peep Show  How do you know no one here is 
a child molester? Since, for you Xeno, it doesn't qualify if someone suggests 
anal sex with babies, where do you personally draw the line, whether or not 
someone has such tendencies? I think you've sort of painted yourself into a 
corner on this one. I am not accusing Barry of anything... Similarly, I am not 
accusing Jim Flanegin from the Chico, California area of anything, just 
reminding him that people who boast of having a huge stash of automatic weapons 
and ammunition and of knowing how to create IEDs and chemical weapons might 
just show up in the keyword scans of Internet traffic conducted by the NSA, 
ATF, and Secret Service, so such bragging might not be the smartest thing for 
him to do.       #yiv2012504761 #yiv2012504761 -- #yiv2012504761ygrp-mkp 
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