Very short-sighted. Though the folks who have the responsibility to spread TM 
are probably clueless on how to run a university. Spiritual organizations seem 
generally piss poor at this kind of boring, sustainable activity, since the 
interest is ALWAYS on the front-lines and the leaders. There is also no 
'spiritual administration' degree offered in schools, so the requirements for 
managing things are very subjective, often dependent on who the leader favored, 
vs. competence. Last, there may be some magical thinking going on, or at least 
rationalized denial. 
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 what I've personally witnessed over the course of my life is that the TMO does 
things as cheaply as possible. Spend as little as it can get away with, 
regardless of the out-come. When it comes to physical structures, this is 
manifest in planning, actual building and maintenance. Putting all three things 
together with the intent to save money and they get disaster.


 From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 7:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw: Toxics, the dome and the Amish. Not green. 
Not leadership. Not Cool.
   I am not surprised. Disgraceful, this corner cutting for everything, beyond 
common sense and safety. Yeah, I don't know of any alternative roofing material 
that works as well as the petroleum-based products, which if applied correctly 
aren't a danger, in terms of fumes and exposure. Without addressing the 
foundation leaks you mention, my concern is that they are further sealing in 
the existing mold. Such revelry when the dome was built, and now this. Sad. 
First step would be to fire the facilities manager, and give the next one a 
decent budget. Some really un-grounded thinking going on, or just sheer neglect.
---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 I haven't been in the dome in 21 years, and it was the mold that finally drove 
me out of there. It was the summer of '94, when we had the huge Midwest floods, 
and water was flowing into the basement of the men's dome like a sieve because 
they had originally just pushed dirt up against the foundation without applying 
any kind of waterproofing or drains. I'd walk in the door, and my lungs would 
freeze up; so, I'd take a deep breath, walk in, kick off my shoes, and head 
upstairs, where the air was better. But, I kept coming out of program with 
headaches. At that point, the only reason I went to the dome was Petra 
insisting on it, and I finally put my foot down and kicked my flying wings to 
the curb.

As for the dome, itself, my recollection is that on top of all that beautiful 
woodwork is foam insulation (probably sprayed on) and topped with some kind of 
protective membrane. I doubt there's much in the way of new-age hippy roofing 
material that could be used on such a structure.

---In, <olliesedwuz@...> wrote :

 I would be *very* concerned about the persistent reports of organic mold too, 
within the structure. No 'suspected' about that stuff - it can be fatal, 
getting into the lungs. 
<awoelflebater@...> wrote :

<mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Question- What is the toxic substance being used? How long is it toxic for? 
Does it dissipate? Is there a better ,longer lasting, cost effective substance 
to use? Is the *organic* mold in the domes any less toxic? How old are the 
Amish workers? Are they currently out of school and doing summer work? Are they 
union? Are they undercutting union workers?

 I would imagine the substance being used on the domes is some sort of sealer 
and wood preserver, among other things, and that would mean some sort of either 
creosote or petroleum product as in tar. These things are carcinogenic, as are 
a multitude of other products including glues, foams etc. Unfortunately, 
undertaking a heavy duty roofing job has to include toxic materials as I don't 
believe the Iowa weather is conducive to banana leaves or palm fronds providing 
adequate cover over a shelter. On the other hand, workmen should be adequately 
protected against these fumes and other ways in which these waterproofers and 
sealers can get all over you. To be working without respirators and adequate 
suits and gloves would be idiotic and most likely against the law.

 From: "Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FFL Post <> 
 Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 11:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fw: Toxics, the dome and the Amish. Not green. Not 
leadership. Not Cool.
 Of possible interest here...

 ----- Forwarded Message -----
 From: "Fairfield Citizen karlherzl2008@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 11:44 AM
 Subject: Toxics, the dome and the Amish. Not green. Not leadership. Not Cool.
 Hello - 
 Perhaps the group could offer insights into this controversy. It appears the 
repair job on the roof of the meditation dome for men is being done with highly 
toxic, suspected carcinogenic, chemical products, and Amish contractors who use 
teenage laborers. Some of these laborers appear very young. No safety gear 
appears to be in use.


 Why is the college using toxic (suspected carcinogen) products on the dome 
roof repair?

 Why is the college not requiring protective equipment on adults and teens 
working on the roof as a condition of the contract? (Harnesses, respirators, 

 Is the roof repair project genuinely compliant with Iowa and Federal law 
regarding dangerous workplaces and children? Is the system being gamed?

 Why is a college that offers degrees in sustainable living, and loudly touts 
itself as organic, sustainable, Non-GMO and "conscious" using toxic chemicals 
on the roof of their meditation dome?

 Why didn't the college insist on the use of green products, consult with green 
experts or follow LEEDS best-practices and guidelines?

 A survey asking for community feedback about these issues was shared today:


 Thanks -




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