--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>      Your attempt is admirable, Barry, but it won't
> help. Hope does spring eternal, but trying to make a
> rational end-run around someone's seemingly disturbed
> psychology usually doesn't work as I've discovered in
> my profession. To help, first there has to be a good
> therapeutic relationship and the person in question
> must recognize, to some extent, that not all is quite
> right in their head. Neither of these criteria seem to
> be fulfilled in this case. I also noticed you started
> to do what I did and get caught up in what
> psychoanalytic thought calls projective
> identification. The person in question unconsciously
> projects a unintegrated/disowned aspect of their
> personality onto others and provokes them into
> responding/behaving in accord with that unintegrated
> part. People have a tendency to "go off" on the person
> in question thus perpetuating the abuse he experiences
> and recreating this abuse in a repetition compulsion
> that unconsciously seeks to resolve the original abuse
> in current relationships. Unless this is consciously
> recognized, it just continues on and on and on until
> that complex of samskaras are disolved. I wouldn't say
> the person in question has MPD/DID, but we are
> experiencing the extremes of unintegrated aspects of a
> personality damaged by severe abuse. I wish him the
> best too and will refrain from making wise-ass cracks
> at his expense in the future because this simply
> re-traumatizes the person rather than giving insight. 

I had nothing in mind as high-falutin' as you
describe in psychoanalytic terms. In my exper-
ience those who mistreat others consistently
have no concept of what their actions would
feel like if someone did the exact same thing
to them. I was hoping that Tom was still 
together enough to *feel* what it would be
like if someone did to him what he's been
attempting to do to the people on FFL.

But my suggestion was a real one. I suspect that
the Yagyas By Choice people would have nothing
to do with him if they were aware of how he's
been using the energy they've been sending his
way. We'll see how things turn out. We can only
hope for the best, for all concerned.

> --- TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > This is like watching Robin Williams doing his 
> > > schizophrenia comedy routine, with two
> > personalities
> > > in the same being arguing back and forth with each
> > > other. Except that Robin's routine is funny, and 
> > > this is very sad and very scary indeed. Get some
> > > help, Tom, and by that I don't mean "Spend more
> > > money on yagyas."  As far as I can tell, you're
> > > getting closer and closer to being one of those
> > > guys we read about who "snaps" one day and decides
> > > to kill all the people he believes are
> > "persecuting" 
> > > him.  
> > > 
> > > This is beyond allowing your tortured Inner Child
> > > to scream in public, Tom...this is verging on
> > full-
> > > blown insanity.  Please get help.  I've tried to
> > > support your occasional positive actions here on 
> > > FFL, but I'm really worried about you.  
> > > 
> > > Unc/Barry
> > 
> > Tom, 
> > 
> > Because I really *am* concerned about you, I'm
> > going to point out something that doesn't seem
> > to have occurred to you.  It's becoming really
> > painful to see you acting out what seems to be
> > Multiple Personality Disorder here on this forum,
> > posting under two different names, and with two
> > obviously different personalities, poles apart,
> > and with one polar post appearing within minutes 
> > of another one, equally polar but in the opposite
> > direction.  In my book this is not an indication 
> > of someone who is getting "better" as a result 
> > of yagyas, but worse.
> > 
> > And you've taken it upon yourself to try to act
> > out your resentment at people here telling you
> > the truth about some of the things you post here
> > by trying to get the forum itself removed from
> > Yahoo.  That is simply unacceptable, and in my
> > book is yet another symptom of a serious mental
> > disorder that needs treatment.
> > 
> > Here's the thing that probably has not occurred
> > to you.  What if someone here, someone who actually
> > cares about you and is interested in your welfare,
> > took it upon himself or herself to email the posts
> > you made here yesterday under two different names to
> > 
> > the provider of the yagyas you seem to hold so dear?
> > From what you have said in your posts about them,
> > they seem to be ethical people who are genuinely
> > concerned that their service has the greatest 
> > possible benefit for those paying for them.
> > 
> > How do you think they'd react to discovering that
> > one of their clients is reacting to their services
> > by acting out in a way that Western psychologists
> > would characterize as having episodes of multiple
> > personality disorder?  How do you think they'd 
> > react to learning that one of their clients is
> > trying his best to act out his hurt and rage by
> > harming other people rather than helping them?
> > 
> > I somehow suspect that they might think twice about
> > accepting future payments from you, and conducting
> > future yagyas for you.  I somehow suspect they would
> > be *shocked* to learn who it was they were really
> > dealing with, and might wish to not involve them-
> > selves and their karma with someone who is obviously
> > having some serious mental problems.
> > 
> > In other words, they might just cut you off at the
> > pump, Tom.
> > 
> > A word to the wise.  I am not going to write such
> > an email.  I trust to your higher nature, and to
> > that higher nature "winning out" if you realize 
> > that if someone else were to do to you what you
> > have so blithely done to others here that it would
> > be painful and really fuck with your life.
> > 
> > A word to the wise.  Grow the fuck up.  Stop this
> > infantile acting out, and allow people here to 
> > continue to have their little discussions, free
> > from interference from you.  If you keep acting
> > like an out-of-control child, sooner or later 
> > someone here is going to do exactly what I have
> > suggested, and you'll start to actually *feel* 
> > the effects of your own karma.  I don't
> > think you'd like that.
> > 
> > I honestly think that the best thing you could
> > possibly do at this point is offer an apology to
> > the people of Fairfield Life and refrain from
> > posting here for some time.  Concentrate on your
> > own life and helping it to evolve, in the way
> > that seems best to you.  We will all wish you
> > the best in that endeavor, and look forward to
> > seeing a new and improved Tom Pall when you 
> > choose to return, if you do.
> > 
> > But don't keep fucking with people who wish you
> > well and pray for your well-being, Tom.  If you
> > do, in time one of them is going to decide that
> > what's good for the goose is good for the gander,
> > and use your own methods against you.  It won't
> > be me, but it will be someone.
> > 
> > Get it?
> > 
> > I wish you nothing but the best.  Really.  But
> > you're out of control, dude, and it's messing
> > with this discussion forum, which I treasure.
> > Act out on your own time and in the privacy of
> > your own home, Tom.  When you do it here, and
> > threaten to make "here" go away, you're treading
> > on thin ice.
> > 
> > Barry Wright
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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