>> On Jan 12, 2007, at 12:18 AM, suziezuzie wrote:
>> > When someone starts meditating, is the flatness (separation of Self
>> > from sense perception) that they begin to feel is a prelude to Cosmic
>> > Consciousness or the beginnings of personality pathology that has
>> > nothing to do with enlightenment?

----Just depends on the system. Because you're probably talking about TM you 
should know that it is a technique of tantra based on affirmation of the 
divinity of mahalakshmi as the evolutionary shakti of Vishnu the preserver 
of life. Because your bija technique is nishkrama or devoid of specific 
samkalpa or goal, therefore you will only derive what is known as grace from 
the technique. The other movement techniques offered are the other means 
offered of recombining the inner and outer, and the reason this matters to 
you is that because Hinduism is eternalistic that means you shall have to 
petition deities for your reunification. this is the practice of the 

EG., in shunyatavidya all are one at the base which is empty, and cannot be 
summed up as any extreme. Self arising, thus vidya or knowledge and 
cognition is available anytime one has the ability to incisively cut through 
discursive thought to its base as awareness or light or clarity. If one is 
able to constantly affirm their nature as light awareness free from 
discursive tendencies even during discursive tendencies then under 
techniques of shunyatavidya one may feel the ripple of wholeness from the 
emptiness of their reunified inner/outer mandala. And the reason under 
shunyata that it's so easy is it take no energy as one need not affirm or 
reify any thought structure but simply let them all fall. Having done so 
however one takes the final leap into faith and freedom from mentality.

In either case one will probably seem insane from the outside.  But will one 
be? Only they can really decide. Are you happy? Can you realize unity? Now? 
Or soon? I am for both purna and shunyata vidyas. That's 200 percent minus 
nothing = 200 percent. Seems pretty compatible.

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