off_world_beings wrote:
> I think half the people on here are drunks that post late at 
> night when they are drunk, especially the anti-TM'rs seem to 
> be half made up of drunks.
So, you think that half of the respondents on this forum are drunk
when they post their anti-TM'r messages and so you're out of here
because the people are drunk when they post. I was out of here too, on
several occasions, because I thought that all the people posting here
were on something, but the only person I thought was a drunk had
already addmited as much. Go figure. 

I always thought most of the people posting here were either drug
addicts or reformed drug addicts. Fer sure some are getting high on
something - either seratonin on the brain or soma in the gut, or in
some cases, just plain old religious ecstasy. This isn't surprising
considering that the Marshy probably has more potions in his cupboard
than Carter had little liver pills. 

> You can tell by the way they speak, and they think they are
> cool to use curse words every post. Only teenagers and drunks 
> think that's cool. (actually teenagers don't think its cool).
It's supposed to be a family forum but I told my son that she probably
wouldn't want her daughter reading the porn here. One informer who
apparently is living in France, does tend to cuss a lot and posts here
late at night - almost all his messages are from 12:00 - 3:00 AM on
Saturday nights. Some people just feel better when they have someone
to talk to, I guess. 
> I'm outta here, I'm not talking to a bunch of drunks anymore.
Good luck!

> You other TM'rs should consider this also, since you would 
> not converse about enlightenment with a guy in the street who 
> is slurring his speech and waving his arms with a strong smell 
> of alcohol on his breath.
What about at a football game? 

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