Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> Absolutely not true. Willy's from Texas, where they
>>> seem incapable of knowing that there are time zones
>>> other than their own. Most of my posts are made during
>>> breakfast my time, something to do over coffee and a
>>> croissant. Willy and Off may still be drunk at that
>>> hour, but I am most assuredly not. :-)
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> You should see the weird looks I get at Starbucks sometimes 
>> when I order a (sorta) croissant with (sorta) cream cheese.
> Late at night when you're posting? Go figure.
No, in the morning when you're still hungover during your Texas lunch.

>> I tell them that's the way the French eat 'em.   Some of the 
>> kids that work there tried them that way and got hooked.  
>> Now if the croissant were made with real butter and cream 
>> cheese as good as what you get in France it would really be
>> something.  A real showstopper is if the manager fails to 
>> keep 'regular' cream cheese in stock and all they have is 
>> 'light' which is awful.

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