--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> <mainstream20016@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 
> > >
> > > *I* think that Doug was just posting a news
> > > bulletin, and allowing those who believe that
> > > the ME is a real phenomenon to draw their own
> > > conclusions from that news bulletin. And I'm 
> > > pretty sure that MDixon above was making a joke,
> > > and didn't mean anything like the stuff I was
> > > parodying above. But you know that some folks
> > > who post here from time to time are really going 
> > > to think like that, and react like that. 
> > > 
> > > And *that* mindset, that way of thinking, not 
> > > world peace, is the true legacy of the TM
> > > movement.
> > 
> > Hardly.  Just because some folks who would like to defend 
> > the TM Movement might entertain a paranoid-like thought 
> > to explain how a bank robbery could occur in FF, does not 
> > validate your proposal that paranoid thinking will be the 
> > TM Movement's legacy, in spite of the heavy investment TM 
> > Movement detractors have in predicting such a legacy.  
> I actually agree with you, and was indulging in
> hyperbole above, to make a point about the levels
> of paranoia one occasionally finds in hard-core TBs.

Hilarious.  Barry's attempted parody was so
strained that mainstream understood it the
wrong way around, but Barry ain't gonna tell
him so.

> But those hard-core TBs are, fortunately, few and
> far between these days, and fewer with every passing
> day. I said what I did above to titty-twist a couple
> of people here who (I think even you will have to
> admit) tend to believe the worst things possible about 
> TM critics, to the point of sounding like paranoia
> incarnate.

Barry, of course, is referring to me (so strange that
he's afraid to mention my name).

Unfortunately, the whopping error I pointed out in
Barry's earlier post was entirely real, and there
just aren't any other possibilities than that (a) he
was trying to mislead readers, or (b) he didn't
bother to read the part of the post he didn't quote
because he was so anxious to get in a slam at TMers.

(This was the one in which Barry claimed the TMO
bulletin about the risks of electromagnetism
was directed at TMers who spend 90 percent of their
time in their homes.)

Barry's embarrassed about having been caught, and
as usual has tried to turn it into an attack on the
person who caught him.  But he's done it so clumsily
mainstream assumed Barry meant exactly the opposite
of what he was straining to convey.

> My "investment" is in poking fun at a few *individuals*
> who occasionally post rampant paranoia to this forum
> and others.

This from the guy who is himself so paranoid he accuses
me of "stalking" him and other TM critics from forum to
forum, even when he knows I was on all but one of the
forums in question before the TM critics ever made an
appearance there.

> *They* would like others to believe that 
> in so doing I'm attacking TMers as a whole. T'ain't so.

Actually, in many (if not all) cases, *'tis* so.

What Barry is desperate to obscure is that his own
critics are not attacking TM critics as a whole;
they're criticizing *him*.

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