
I gotta tip my hat to you for keeping whatever it is you got going
that folks like The Purusha Guy trust enough to, you know, actually
deign to "communicate" with you (us.)  Even though this guy probably
cannot be "reached" by any reasoning or experimental
results-to-the-contrary-of-TM-dogma, to me, it's nice to bump up
against these little "touches of the movement" now and then -- like
they were tarantulas in a petting zoo. 

I think the mindset expressed by this guy is chilling, and yes, I
practiced that very mindset for decades. This practice improved my
skills greatly -- in fact, even today, I could still write a much
smarmier and haughtier piece than this guy's work, below.  It's like
riding a bike, eh?

Hell, I told all my initiates that, "Yes, on average, in about 5 - 8
years, one can reasonably expect to have enlightenment just around the
corner if not fully blossomed."  I had been meditating for less than a
year but I was teaching TM, and oh so sure about those nuclear bombs
of truth -- "5 - 8 years to freedom," and "deeper rest than sleep can
achieve" -- and I was no slouch when it came small arms fire either as
I sold that "even in a few days one can notice profound results."

Hey, in the jungles of Africa, a village medicine man can shake a bone
at someone, and everyone in the village knows that bonified guy is
going to die, and sure enough the guy dies.  So, who was I to NOT make
those promises which I spoke almost verbatim (we all memorized
checking notes, puja words, puja meanings, puja actions, 1st and 2nd
lectures, 3 days checking, 10 day follow up) cuz those were the words
of an enlightened saint didn'tchaknow, and so fershure they would come

Then more swiftly than an Arjuna arrow can pierce a demon's heart, 29
years passed, and there was I with 2,000 people I had taken money from
by selling these fantasies to them, and I was the proud owner of a
ruined life with 

no fucking enlightenment, 
no worldly success roaring under me like a beloved pet tiger, 
no visions of Guru Dev thanking God for creating me,
no person on Mother Divine or Purusha who could hover, 
no old folks kicking their heels and doing 360's on skateboards,
no birds alighting on my shoulders whispering messages from Saint Frances,
no marvelous psychic insights,
no vaunting wisdom,
no movement leaders finally maturing into obvious masters,
no kids planning on staying forever near utopian Fairfield's hearth light,
no TM business people with ethics towards their employees,
no fucking nothing except the fucking over by an ancient "Hindu
promise machine" that, go figure, found out that its marketing
techniques worked on hippies with trust funds.

Honesty is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.
Honesty is hardly ever heard.
And mostly what I need from you, Maharishi.

And to think all my failure could have all been avoided if I had been
forewarned about "doubt."

I firehosed doubt's least spark in my or my family's life, but I gotta
tell ya, ain't nothing seeing King Nadar's crown for a lethal dose of

I fought da doubt.
And da doubt won.  

I'm only a man with one brain, and the movement's tsunami of disdain,
avalanche of greed, and deep impact of hypocrisy done did me in.

But hmmmm, maybe I should get me a jar of honey and bring back big
bombast and become a bumblebum for Bevan.  Say that aloud three times

Now, let's get something straight FOR THE REST OF TIME.

Here it is:  After 29 years, I still have that fucking anger,
undissipated, and it's muscling me around like a ventriloquist's dummy.  

I'm confessing here.  My lizard brain wasn't calmed down after all that
time, but I'm betting that The Purusha Guy will go out on the streets
today and promise every manner of protection from the evils of the
body and mind.  And he'll gladly take not just your initiation fees
but also every other dime you or your family or your child's college
fund has, and then, if you complain about lack of results, he'll kick
you in the face and say, "You doubter!" 

Now that's evil.  That's cruelty.  That's enough for me want to take
this guy's smirk off his face with a custard pie.  

Why hell, if I'd hit a punching bag for as many times as I took the
mantra, I'd be a freaking martial artist master, but, in my astral
mirror, my soul still looks like a pasty ass geek with a psychic body
that looks like it could be bested by even a Scientologist or Mormon.
 I didn't even get spiritual muscles out of the deal.

If I'd done ANYTHING ELSE as much as I did that mantra, I'd be world
class in that anything.  ANYTHING.  

Now here's the best part of this:  TM IS A WONDERFUL TECHNIQUE -- it
evaporates identification. How ironic that it is sold as a way to make
identification enjoyable! 

Rick, I'm worried for you.  You're taking one for the team on a
regular basis when you have folks like this putting stuff inside yer

All hail Rick!
All hail Rick!
All hail Rick!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was from the friend (whom you call "The Purusha Guy" but who is
> actually married) with whom I've been having that discussion.
Evidently he
> shared our discussion with a mutual friend, whose identity I'm not
told, as
> I shared it with all of you, and then forwarded that friend's
comments to
> me, as I've forwarded some of yours to him:
> Doubt, Disappointment and Rejection are most damaging to the nervous
> (Maharishi said). 
> In considering the intrapsychic mechanics of what took place in Rick
> others) I would guess (because, of course, I don't know) the real
issue with
> Rick and other seekers (I would classify them as seekers again, as
they were
> before they had Maharishi), is that it all began with doubt (that
sprung up
> due to expectation)--which led to disappointment, and in Ricks case
> asked essentially to leave the movement--rejection. 
> A rational, evolved, loving, soul like Ricky is not going to go smash
> windows in the dome or lead a march against the movement--So, what to do
> then with the hurt, anger, frustration?  Gotta go some
where--(that's the
> law of dynamics--and psychodynamics--the energy in a system must
express its
> self in the system--impress its influence on the system) so it gets
> sublimated into a "rational," "open" discussion on essentially, the
> of Maharishi.  Actually, it is quite aggressive in nature, but, the
> is conducted by the frontal cortex--not the limbic system (which is the
> primitive lizard brain)  So it appears reasoned, open, and flexible.  In
> actuality it is an "as if" debate.  One appears as if he is not angry,
> frustrated, rejected and vengeful and attacking. One appears "as if" he
> wants to openly and lovingly discuss the issue--but that is the
filter of
> the frontal cortex!  Anger, aggression and vengeance are the underlying
> dynamics.
> Patanjali does endorse in the Yoga sutras, "any reliable
meditation."  He
> therefore give his blessings on different forms of meditation--So it
> to me, that when we get to Brahman there will be a large number of
> somewhere in the Akash that have arrived there from a variety of
> faster--some slower--I mean everyone we know of who got enlightened got
> there by a slightly different path (Maharaja, Ramakrishna, the
Buddha, etc.)
> But, I don't know anybody who got there by bashing their previous
master and
> trying to get others to join them.

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