On May 26, 2007, at 10:42 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

You don't deserve that treatment Tom.

Uh, oh, Ricky, you blew it here. Revealing this guy's name undoubtedly shows your true hidden agenda, passive-aggressive nature, and general fundamentalist way of thinking. And don't tell us you didn't mean to. Think we'd believe that? After all, anyone who dares to imply MMY is a mere human being with human flaws like everyone else is obviously seriously deluded and will stop at nothing, as you imply over and over on that smarmy website of yours. It's perfectly obvious most of those posts were written by you. And frankly, I don't care if they were or weren't, I know what I know and I know why I know it and that's good enough for me. So take your website and...


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