> Christ, this whole dialog is a breath of fresh air.  Ron, (Tanmay) you 
> were born for this moment.
> lurk

Nice to see a nice comment. I have a lot of enthusiasm for what is
taking place. It is my seva, and it is a part of the whole process
that one that is in a path is doing seva, to offer pointings to anyone
who may be interested in this path.

As usual since being on this path, as I write this moment, it is from
this platform of an awakened kundalini. It is not enlightenment, but
it in itself is a glimpse that is etched in stone and will be enough
of an anchor to keep one glued on the path for the rest of this life,
unless Realization totally unfolds, for then the path is no longer needed.

Again, the Guru is there to guide one to remove the coverings so that
you are what the Guru is. Once those coverings are gone, what need is
there for the Guru? the Guru knows where you are, so a Sat Guru will
let you know what's up.  One just surrenders to the process and then
lets see what happens.

I emphasize the practicality of what I am doing. I am not sitting now
with Swami G physically, and Swami G's comment is the path has to be
practical. The breath of fresh air is the clarity, and clarity is a
balance of everything, it is not only reading, hearing something from
the Guru, or clearing up of some intellectual concept that brings
about clarity, it is ( for me) being in a path with a Sat Guru, and
working one to one.

Those two things ( for me) are of the utmost importance in order for
significant progress- and emphasized- Sat Guru and one to one. For
those who have come across this, we can say that the universe has
offered a choice. Swami G 's general comments are this happens when a
sincere seeker is there, some may have one Guru in their journey, some
may have many.


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